amazon-web-services - 如何使用 IAM 通过 AWS Lambda 调用 AppSync?

标签 amazon-web-services aws-lambda graphql aws-appsync

我目前正在使用 AppSync 在 AWS Lambda 中实现订阅变更。我想使用 IAM 并避免使用任何其他类型的 AUTH 机制,因为我在 AWS 堆栈中调用它。不幸的是,我收到以下 403 错误:
(摘自 SQS 的 CloudWatch 日志)

    "errorMessage": "Response not successful: Received status code 403",
    "name": "ServerError",
    "errorType": "UnrecognizedClientException",
    "message": "The security token included in the request is invalid."
  • How to send GraphQL mutation from one server to another?
  • AWS Appsync + HTTP DataSources + AWS IAM
  • AWS Appsync Invoke mutate from Lambda?

  • 这是我目前正在调用它的代码:
    import AWS from "aws-sdk";
    import { AWSAppSyncClient } from "aws-appsync";
    import { Mutation, mutations } from "./mutations/";
    import "cross-fetch/polyfill";
      region: Config.region,
    export class AppSyncClient {
      client: AWSAppSyncClient<any>;
      constructor() {
        if (!env.APPSYNC_ENDPOINT) {
          throw new Error("APPSYNC_ENDPOINT not defined");
         * We create the AppSyncClient with the AWS_IAM
         * authentication.
        this.client = new AWSAppSyncClient({
          url: env.APPSYNC_ENDPOINT,
          region: Config.region,
          auth: {
            credentials: AWS.config.credentials!,
            type: "AWS_IAM",
          disableOffline: true,
       * Sends a mutation on the AppSync Client
       * @param mutate The Mutation that will be sent with the variables.
       * @returns
      sendMutation(mutate: Mutation) {
        const mutation = mutations[mutate.type] as any;
        const variables = mutate.variables;
        console.log("Sending the mutation");
        console.log("Variables is ", JSON.stringify(variables));
        return this.client.mutate({
          fetchPolicy: "network-only",
    这是来自 Lambda SQS 的当前 IAM:
        "Statement": [
                "Action": [
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Resource": [
        "Version": "2012-10-17"
    我知道这不是来自 lambda 的 IAM 问题,因为我曾尝试暂时授予它完全访问权限,但仍然出现 403 错误。
    我还验证了 AppSync 已配置 IAM 权限(作为附加提供程序)。


    我终于搞定了。第三次去重读Adrian Hall's post ,它确实让我找到了解决方案。
    请注意,我安装了不需要的 AWS AppSync 客户端,但它简化了过程(否则您必须自己签署 URL。有关这一点,请参阅 Adrian Hall 的帖子)。

  • 您需要通过包含 cross-fetch 来填充“fetch” (否则,您将受到来自 AppSync 内部使用的 Apollo Client 的 Invariant Violation 的影响)。
  • 您需要将 lambda 的内部 IAM 凭证(我什至不知道存在)传递到 AppSyncClient 的配置部分。
  • 您需要为 lambda 的 IAM 角色添加适当的权限,在本例中:["appsync:GraphQL"]为行动。

  • 这是一些代码:
    这是 AppSync 代码。
    // The code is written in TypeScript.
    import { env } from "process";
    import { Config, env as Env } from "../../../../shared";
    // This is such a bad practice
    import AWS from "aws-sdk";
    import { AWSAppSyncClient } from "aws-appsync";
    import { Mutation, mutations } from "./mutations/";
    // Very important, otherwise it won't work!!! You'll have Invariant Violation 
    // from Apollo Client.
    import "cross-fetch/polyfill";
      region: Config.region,
      credentials: new AWS.Credentials(
    export class AppSyncClient {
      client: AWSAppSyncClient<any>;
      constructor() {
        // Your AppSync endpoint - The Full URL.
        if (!Env.APPSYNC_ENDPOINT) {
          throw new Error("APPSYNC_ENDPOINT not defined");
         * We create the AppSyncClient with the AWS_IAM
         * authentication.
        this.client = new AWSAppSyncClient({
          url: Env.APPSYNC_ENDPOINT,
          region: Config.region,
          auth: {
            credentials: AWS.config.credentials!,
            type: "AWS_IAM",
          disableOffline: true,
       * Sends a mutation on the AppSync Client
       * @param mutate The Mutation that will be sent with the variables.
       * @returns
      // The mutation is a object that holds the mutation in 
      // the `gql` tag. You can ommit this part. 
      sendMutation(mutate: Mutation) {
        const mutation = mutations[mutate.type] as any;
        const variables = mutate.variables;
        // This is the important part.
        return this.client.mutate({
          // Specify "no-cache" in the policy. 
          // network-only won't work.
          fetchPolicy: "no-cache",
    我们需要在 AppSync 授权机制中启用 IAM。是的,可以启用多个身份验证。我目前同时使用 OPEN_ID 和 IAM。
    enter image description here
    这是执行 GQL 的 Lambda 的 IAM 策略:
        "Statement": [
                "Action": [
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Resource": [
        "Version": "2012-10-17"
    您可以进一步restrict here in the following fashion :arn:${Partition}:appsync:${Region}:${Account}:apis/${GraphQLAPIId}/types/${TypeName}/fields/${FieldName}arn:aws:appsync:us-east-2:747936726382:apis/ogolfgja65edlmhkcpp3lcmwli/types/Mutation/field/myCustomField"请注意,我们需要更好地限制这一点,因为我们目前正在为其提供对 API 的全部访问权限。
    在您的 .gql 文件(AppSync GraphQL 架构)中,将 @aws_iam 指令添加到用于将订阅发送到的突变,以限制来自前端的访问。
      type Mutation {
        input: AddUsersSagaResultInput!
      ): AddUsersSagaResult @aws_iam

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