reactjs - 如何配置 jest jsdom 环境?

标签 reactjs firebase jestjs next.js react-testing-library

我正在使用 jest 和 react 测试库来测试我的 react 应用程序。我想测试一个需要 ISR (nextJs getStaticProps) 来渲染的页面,所以我安装了 next-page-tester包裹。它正常呈现客户端呈现页面,但是当涉及到使用 ISR 呈现的页面时,发生了以下错误。 (我已经尝试在 jest.config.js 文件中添加 testEnvironment: 'jsdom' 和我的测试文件顶部的注释来配置 jsdom 环境)。

  • package.json
  •     "test": "jest --env=jsdom",
  • 错误:


      at fail (node_modules/@firebase/firestore/src/util/assert.ts:40:9)
      at hardAssert (node_modules/@firebase/firestore/src/util/assert.ts:54:5)
      at fromBytes (node_modules/@firebase/firestore/src/remote/serializer.ts:252:5)
      at fromWatchChange (node_modules/@firebase/firestore/src/remote/serializer.ts:475:25)
      at PersistentListenStream.Object.<anonymous>.PersistentListenStream.onMessage

    (node_modules/@firebase/firestore/src/remote/persistent_stream.ts:581:25) at node_modules/@firebase/firestore/src/remote/persistent_stream.ts:461:21 at node_modules/@firebase/firestore/src/remote/persistent_stream.ts:514:18 at node_modules/@firebase/firestore/src/util/async_queue_impl.ts:168:14

    The error below may be caused by using the wrong test environment, see Consider using the "jsdom" test environment.

    ReferenceError: document is not defined
      at Object.cleanupDOM (node_modules/next-page-tester/dist/makeRenderMethods.js:52:5)
      at Object.cleanup (node_modules/next-page-tester/dist/testHelpers.js:39:25)

  • jest.config.js:
  • module.exports = {
      verbose: true,
      testEnvironment: 'jsdom',
      setupFiles: ['./src/__mocks__/client.js'],
      setupFilesAfterEnv: ['./jest.setup.js', '@testing-library/jest-dom/extend-expect'],
      moduleDirectories: ['node_modules', 'src'],
      moduleNameMapper: {
        '\\.(css|less|scss|sass)$': 'identity-obj-proxy',
     * @jest-environment jsdom
    import '@testing-library/jest-dom/extend-expect'
    import { mockFirebase } from 'firestore-jest-mock'
    import { getPage, initTestHelpers } from 'next-page-tester'
    import { render, screen } from '../test-utils'
      database: {
        topics: [
            id: 'IWkxBYYrA19IYeKPWEYx',
            all_day: false,
            closed: false,
            created_at: { seconds: 1626400885, nanoseconds: 372000000 },
            description: 'test',
            en_title: 'test',
            en_description: 'test',
            event_date: {
              end_date: { seconds: 1626400859, nanoseconds: 372000000 },
              start_date: { seconds: 1626400859, nanoseconds: 372000000 },
            genre: 'information',
            title: 'test',
            topic_id: 'Ux6FPQgXL9sX6vm4V9Lk',
            updated_at: { seconds: 1626400885, nanoseconds: 373000000 },
            id: 'Nwev6hr7m2hyc2oLblhC',
            all_day: false,
            closed: false,
            en_title: 'test',
            en_description: 'test',
            created_at: { seconds: 1626400885, nanoseconds: 372000000 },
            description: 'test',
            event_date: {
              end_date: { seconds: 1626400859, nanoseconds: 372000000 },
              start_date: { seconds: 1626400859, nanoseconds: 372000000 },
            genre: 'information',
            title: 'test',
            topic_id: 'test',
            updated_at: { seconds: 1626400885, nanoseconds: 373000000 },
            id: 'Nwev6hr7m2hyc2oLblhCee',
            all_day: false,
            closed: false,
            en_title: 'test',
            en_description: 'test',
            created_at: { seconds: 1626400885, nanoseconds: 372000000 },
            description: 'test',
            event_date: {
              end_date: { seconds: 1626400859, nanoseconds: 372000000 },
              start_date: { seconds: 1626400859, nanoseconds: 372000000 },
            genre: 'information',
            title: 'test',
            topic_id: 'Ux6FPQgXL9sX6vm4V9Lk',
            updated_at: { seconds: 1626400885, nanoseconds: 373000000 },
    describe('Topics page', () => {
      it('should render topics page', async () => {
        const { page } = await getPage({
          route: '/topics',
        expect(await screen.getByText(/topics/i)).toBeInTheDocument()
    import { Layout } from 'components/layout'
    import { TopicsList } from 'components/organisms/topics'
    import { fetchSelectTopics } from 'lib/topics'
    import { GetStaticProps } from 'next'
    const Topics = (props) => {
      const { topics } = props
      return (
        <Layout pageTitle={'Topics'} dark={true}>
          <TopicsList topics={topics} />
    export const getStaticProps: GetStaticProps = async () => {
      const getTopics = await fetchSelectTopics('information')
      const topics = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(getTopics))
      return {
        props: { topics: topics },
        revalidate: 10,
    export default Topics


    我遇到了同样的问题,并且能够通过创建自定义 jsdom 环境来解决它。尝试此 URL 中的步骤

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