javascript - react 原生 : Highlight component/area by darkening the rest

标签 javascript react-native libraries

有没有 React Native 库 在屏幕上呈现黑色透明覆盖层并突出显示具有形状的组件?
理想情况下,我正在寻找一个提供像 React Native Walkthrough Tooltip 这样的解决方案的库。它根据组件知道高亮的位置。可悲的是,这个限制我只使用消息框形状。
我已经尝试了 2 种不同的解决方案:一种基于 React Native MaskedView另一个基于 react-native-hole-view .对于两者,我都在使用 React Native measure获得需要突出显示的组件的位置,但到目前为止我对结果不满意。

Important note: as I am using react navigation, on some screens I need to cover the header and bottom navigation, this forces me to render my HighlightHoleOverlay within a transparent react native modal.


我编写了一个我认为可以满足您需求的库,您可以在这里找到它:react-native-highlight-overlay .
该库允许您在整个屏幕(或仅特定组件)上绘制覆盖图并突出显示突出显示下方的单个元素。它是 100% 自动的,无需手动计算尺寸,您只需用 HighlightableElement 将要突出显示的组件包裹起来并为其提供一个唯一 ID,然后将其提供给叠加层。基本示例:

import {
} from "react-native-highlight-overlay";

// Remember to wrap the ROOT of your app in HighlightableElementProvider!
return (
        <HighlightableElement id="important_item">
            <TheRestOfTheOwl />

          * The HighlightOverlay should be next to the ROOT of the app, 
          * since it is NOT a modal, it's just an absolutely positioned view.
          * If you want it to be a modal, wrap it in <Modal> yourself first,
          * but I recommend not using modals since they can be buggy.
            // You would usually use a state variable for this :)
            // Or store it in a context / store so you can change it from anywhere in the app.
            onDismiss={() => {
                // Called when the user clicks outside of the highlighted element.
                // Set "highlightedElementId" to nullish to hide the overlay.
如果您突出显示circular并给它一些填充,比如 padding: 25 ,它应该看起来就像您的图像。

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