typescript 可选的通用属性

标签 typescript generics type-inference typescript-generics

我有这种类型,我的 value属性是“可选的”(如果 T 不是 undefined )

type AsyncState<T = undefined> = {
    value?: T;
    loading: boolean;
    error: { reason: string } | null;

现在我需要以某种方式创建依赖于 AsyncState 的新对象参数 - 添加 value属性如果 T不是 undefined如果 T未定义。 (这只是更复杂逻辑的虚拟示例,但由于类型是问题,所以应该足够了)
function asyncGet<T>(initialState: AsyncState<T>) {
    return typeof initialState.value !== 'undefined' 
        ? (s: AsyncState<T>) => ({ ...initialState })
        : (s: AsyncState) => ({ loading: initialState.loading, error: initialState.error });

const first: AsyncState<string> = {
    loading: true,
    error: null,
    value: ""

const second: AsyncState<string> = {
    loading: true,
    error: null,
    value: ""

const creator = asyncGet(first);

Argument of type 'AsyncState<string>' is not assignable to parameter of type 'AsyncState<string> & AsyncState<undefined>'.
  Type 'AsyncState<string>' is not assignable to type 'AsyncState<undefined>'.
    Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'undefined'.

这是typescript playground .


您可以通过创建需要推断 T 的实际类型的返回函数来解决此问题。通用的。

function asyncGet<T>(initialState: AsyncState<T>) {
  return typeof initialState.value !== "undefined"
    ? (s: AsyncState<T>) => ({ ...initialState })
    : <U>(s: AsyncState<U>) => ({
        loading: initialState.loading,
        error: initialState.error

也就是说,如果你试图通过这样调用来覆盖 TypeScript 的推理,这会给你带来麻烦:asyncGet<string>({ loading: true, error: null })
function asyncGet<T>(initialState: AsyncState<T>): 
  <U>(s: AsyncState<[T] extends [undefined] ? U : T>) => 
    AsyncState<[T] extends [undefined] ? U : T> {

  return typeof initialState.value !== "undefined"
    ? (s) => ({ ...initialState })
    : (s) => ({
        loading: initialState.loading,
        error: initialState.error

关于 typescript 可选的通用属性,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57860176/


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