iphone - 仅当手动更改时才检测设备时间更改

标签 iphone ios objective-c datetime


Examples of significant time changes include the arrival of midnight, an update of the time by a carrier, and the change to daylight savings time. The delegate can implement this method to adjust any object of the application that displays time or is sensitive to time changes.


You have change the time. Please revert back to actual time.


问题: 如何仅在手动时间更改时显示警报,而不是在午夜到来时显示警报?


只需使用NSSystemClockDidChangeNotification Apple doc link

关于iphone - 仅当手动更改时才检测设备时间更改,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17437725/


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