javascript - 时间戳在本地机器和 gitlab 管道上的解释不同

标签 javascript node.js datetime jestjs gitlab-ci


export default function convertTime(time) {
    let date = new Date(time);
    let year = date.getFullYear();
    let month = date.getMonth() + 1;
    let day = date.getDate();
    let hours = date.getHours();
    let minutes = "0" + date.getMinutes();
    return day + "." + month + "." + year + " " + hours + ':' + minutes.substr(-2);

我 Jest 测试如下:


describe("Test time converter", function () {
    it("Time converter should return valid string for a certain hard coded time stamp in milliseconds", function () {
        const result = convertTime(1585575410 * 1000);
        const expected_result = "30.3.2020 15:36";


lara@dirk:~/Desktop/git/JS/kiwi$ npm run test

> kiwi@0.1.0 test /home/lara/Desktop/git/JS/kiwi
> env-cmd -f jest --passWithNoTests

 PASS  tests/components/Base/TestTimeConverter.spec.js
 PASS  tests/others/TestEnvironmentVariables.spec.js

Test Suites: 2 passed, 2 total
Tests:       2 passed, 2 total
Snapshots:   0 total
Time:        1.349s
Ran all test suites.

但是在 gitlab 上它失败了:

$ npm run test
 > kiwi@0.1.0 test /builds/kiwi4/frontend
 > env-cmd -f jest --passWithNoTests
 PASS tests/others/TestEnvironmentVariables.spec.js
 FAIL tests/components/Base/TestTimeConverter.spec.js
   ● Test time converter › Time converter should return valid string for a certain hard coded time stamp in milliseconds
     expect(received).toBe(expected) // equality
     Expected: "30.3.2020 15:36"
     Received: "30.3.2020 13:36"
       5 |         const result = convertTime(1585575410 * 1000);
       6 |         const expected_result = "30.3.2020 15:36";
     > 7 |         expect(result).toBe(expected_result);
         |                        ^
       8 |     });
       9 | });
       at Object.<anonymous> (tests/components/Base/TestTimeConverter.spec.js:7:24)
 Test Suites: 1 failed, 1 passed, 2 total
 Tests:       1 failed, 1 passed, 2 total



GitLab runner 实例和您的计算机有不同的时区。


When you call getTime method on Date object you get the number of milliseconds from Unix epoch. Although your current Date object keeps time with some offset getTime gives seconds in UTC. Keep this in mind when creating timestamps if you are not living on zero-meridian.

var currentDate = selectedDate;          

var currentTime = currentDate.getTime(); 

This is pretty awkward, unexpected and unintuitive behavior but you have to keep in mind that all date and time calculations must use same time system to give appropriate results.

您需要获取 UTC 时区的属性或使用以下方法计算时区偏移量:

new Date(timestamp + (offset * 1000))


const offset = new Date().getTimezoneOffset();

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