python - MLP 与 Scikitlearn : Artificial Neural Network application for forecast

标签 python scikit-learn neural-network forecast mlp

我有交通数据,我想通过向模型显示以下输入来预测下一小时的车辆数量:这一小时的车辆数量和这一小时的平均速度值。 这是我的代码:

dataset=pd.read_csv('/content/final - Sayfa5.csv',delimiter=',') 
X = np.array(dataset.iloc[:,1:4])
L = len(dataset)
Y = np.array([dataset.iloc[:,4]])
Y= Y[:,0:L]
Y = np.transpose(Y)

#scaling with MinMaxScaler
scaler = MinMaxScaler()
X = scaler.transform(X)
Y = scaler.transform(Y)

X_train , X_test, Y_train, Y_test = train_test_split(X,Y,test_size=0.3)
from sklearn.neural_network import MLPRegressor
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error 
mlp = MLPRegressor(activation='logistic'),Y_train)
predictions = mlp.predict(X_test)
print("mse_test :" ,mean_squared_error(Y_test,predictions), "mse_train :",mean_squared_error(Y_train,predictions1))

我得到了很好的 mse 值,例如 mse_test:0.005467816018933008 mse_train:0.005072774796622158


  1. 我应该缩放 y 值吗,我读了很多博客写的是不应该缩放 Ys,只缩放 X_train 和 X_test。但是我的 mse 分数很差,比如 49,50,100 甚至更多。

  2. 我如何获得对 future 的预测而不是缩放值。 例如我写道:

    Xnew=[[ 80 , 40 , 47],
    [ 80 , 30,  81],
    [ 80 , 33, 115]]
    Xnew = scaler.transform(Xnew)
    print("prediction for that input is" , mlp.predict(Xnew))

但我得到了缩放值,例如:该输入的预测是 [0.08533431 0.1402755 0.19497315]



祝贺您使用 [sklearn 的 MLPRegressor][1],介绍神经网络总是一件好事。

缩放输入数据对于神经网络至关重要。考虑审查 Chapter 11 of Etham Alpaydin's Introduction to Machine Learning . Efficient BackProp paper 中也对此进行了详细说明。 .简而言之,缩放输入数据非常重要,这样您的模型才能学习如何以输出为目标。

在英语中,缩放 在这种情况下意味着将您的数据转换为介于 0 和 1(含)之间的值。不错Stats Exchange post在此描述缩放的差异。对于 MinMax 缩放,您要保持数据的相同分布,包括对异常值敏感。 sklearn 中确实存在更强大的方法(在那篇文章中描述),例如 RobustScaler .


| Feature 1 | Feature 2 | Feature 3 | Feature 4 | Feature 5 | Target |
|     1     |     17    |     22    |     3     |     3     |   53   |
|     2     |     18    |     24    |     5     |     4     |   54   |
|     1     |     11    |     22    |     2     |     5     |   96   |
|     5     |     20    |     22    |     7     |     5     |   59   |
|     3     |     10    |     26    |     4     |     5     |   66   |
|     5     |     14    |     30    |     1     |     4     |   63   |
|     2     |     17    |     30    |     9     |     5     |   93   |
|     4     |     5     |     27    |     1     |     5     |   91   |
|     3     |     20    |     25    |     7     |     4     |   70   |
|     4     |     19    |     23    |     10    |     4     |   81   |
|     3     |     13    |     8     |     19    |     5     |   14   |
|     9     |     18    |     3     |     67    |     5     |   35   |
|     8     |     12    |     3     |     34    |     7     |   25   |
|     5     |     15    |     6     |     12    |     6     |   33   |
|     2     |     13    |     2     |     4     |     8     |   21   |
|     4     |     13    |     6     |     28    |     5     |   46   |
|     7     |     17    |     7     |     89    |     6     |   21   |
|     4     |     18    |     4     |     11    |     8     |    5   |
|     9     |     19    |     7     |     21    |     5     |   30   |
|     6     |     14    |     6     |     17    |     7     |   73   |


import pandas as pd, numpy as np
from sklearn.neural_network import MLPRegressor
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.preprocessing import RobustScaler
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error 

df = pd.read_clipboard()

# Build data
y = df['Target'].to_numpy()
scaled_y = df['Target'].values.reshape(-1, 1) #returns a numpy array
df.drop('Target', inplace=True, axis=1)
X = df.to_numpy()

#scaling with RobustScaler
scaler = RobustScaler()
X = scaler.fit_transform(X)

# Scaling y just to show you the difference
scaled_y = scaler.fit_transform(scaled_y)

# Set random_state so we can replicate results
X_train , X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X,y,test_size=0.2, random_state=8)
scaled_X_train , scaled_X_test, scaled_y_train, scaled_y_test = train_test_split(X,scaled_y,test_size=0.2, random_state=8)

mlp = MLPRegressor(activation='logistic')
scaled_mlp = MLPRegressor(activation='logistic'), y_train), scaled_y_train)

preds = mlp.predict(X_test)
scaled_preds = mlp.predict(scaled_X_test)

for pred, scaled_pred, tar, scaled_tar in zip(preds, scaled_preds, y_test, scaled_y_test):
    print("Regular MLP:")
    print("Prediction: {} | Actual: {} | Error: {}".format(pred, tar, tar-pred))
    print("MLP that was shown scaled labels: ")
    print("Prediction: {} | Actual: {} | Error: {}".format(scaled_pred, scaled_tar, scaled_tar-scaled_pred))

简而言之,缩小目标自然会缩小误差,因为您的模型学习的不是实际值,而是 0 到 1 之间的值。

这就是我们不缩放目标变量的原因,因为我们将值强制放入 0...1 空间,因此误差自然会更小。

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