makefile - 为什么我的 makefile 在构建后对依赖项调用 rm?

标签 makefile

当我跑 make -j tests ,它使测试很好,但之后删除了依赖项。为什么这样做,我该如何解决呢?对于复杂的makefile,我深表歉意。在Makefile中的相关部分的测试部分。


# Build tools
CC = clang++ -g --std=gnu++11 -O3
LEX = flex
YACC = bison -d

# Includes
CC_HEADERS   = `llvm-config-3.5 --cppflags`
CC_LIBRARIES = -lboost_program_options `llvm-config-3.5 --libs all --ldflags` -ltinfo -lpthread -lffi -ldl -lm -lz

# Created files
GENERATED_SOURCES = parser.cpp tokens.cpp
EXEC = brainfuck.out

# Test cases
TESTS            = $(wildcard ./tests/*.bf)
TESTS_IN         = $(
TESTS_BUILD      = $(
TESTS_DIFF       = $(

# Generic config
SOURCES  = $(filter-out $(GENERATED_SOURCES), $(wildcard *.cpp))
OBJECTS  = $(SOURCES:.cpp=.o)

# Main targets
target: $(EXEC)

all: target tests

# Generated source targets
tokens.cpp: tokens.l parser.hpp
    $(LEX) -o $@ $<

parser.hpp: parser.cpp

parser.cpp: parser.y
    $(YACC) -o $@ $<

# Test targets
tests: $(TESTS_DIFF)
    @echo ""
    @echo "#####################"
    @echo "# Begin test output #"
    @echo "#####################"
    @$(foreach f,$^, echo "Test:" $(; cat $(f); echo "";)
    @echo "#####################"
    @echo "#  End test output  #"
    @echo "#####################"
    @echo ""

tests/ tests/ $(EXEC)
    ./brainfuck.out $< -p | llc-3.5 - -o - | gcc -O0 -x assembler - -o $@

tests/%.expected: tests/ tests/
    -bf -c65535 $< < $(word 2,$^) > $@

tests/%.actual: tests/ tests/
    -$< < $(word 2,$^) > $@

tests/%.diff: tests/%.expected tests/%.actual
    -diff $< $(word 2,$^) > $@

# Generic targets

    $(CC) -o $@ ${OBJECTS} $(CC_LIBRARIES)

%.o: %.cpp parser.hpp
    $(CC) $(CC_HEADERS) -c $< -o $@

bf -c65535 tests/ < tests/ > tests/awib-0.4.expected
./brainfuck.out tests/ -p | llc-3.5 - -o - | gcc -O0 -x assembler - -o tests/
bf -c65535 tests/ < tests/ > tests/dbfi.expected
./brainfuck.out tests/ -p | llc-3.5 - -o - | gcc -O0 -x assembler - -o tests/
bf -c65535 tests/ < tests/ > tests/factor.expected
./brainfuck.out tests/ -p | llc-3.5 - -o - | gcc -O0 -x assembler - -o tests/
bf -c65535 tests/ < tests/ > tests/hanoi.expected
./brainfuck.out tests/ -p | llc-3.5 - -o - | gcc -O0 -x assembler - -o tests/
bf -c65535 tests/ < tests/ > tests/long.expected
./brainfuck.out tests/ -p | llc-3.5 - -o - | gcc -O0 -x assembler - -o tests/
bf -c65535 tests/ < tests/ > tests/mandelbrot.expected
./brainfuck.out tests/ -p | llc-3.5 - -o - | gcc -O0 -x assembler - -o tests/
bf -c65535 tests/ < tests/ > tests/prime.expected
./brainfuck.out tests/ -p | llc-3.5 - -o - | gcc -O0 -x assembler - -o tests/
tests/ < tests/ > tests/dbfi.actual
tests/ < tests/ > tests/long.actual
tests/ < tests/ > tests/factor.actual
tests/ < tests/ > tests/prime.actual
tests/ < tests/ > tests/mandelbrot.actual
tests/ < tests/ > tests/hanoi.actual
tests/ < tests/ > tests/awib-0.4.actual
diff tests/factor.expected tests/factor.actual > tests/factor.diff
diff tests/awib-0.4.expected tests/awib-0.4.actual > tests/awib-0.4.diff
diff tests/mandelbrot.expected tests/mandelbrot.actual > tests/mandelbrot.diff
diff tests/hanoi.expected tests/hanoi.actual > tests/hanoi.diff
diff tests/long.expected tests/long.actual > tests/long.diff
diff tests/prime.expected tests/prime.actual > tests/prime.diff
diff tests/dbfi.expected tests/dbfi.actual > tests/dbfi.diff

# Begin test output #
Test: tests/

Test: tests/

Test: tests/

Test: tests/

Test: tests/

Test: tests/

Test: tests/

#  End test output  #

rm tests/mandelbrot.actual tests/ tests/long.actual tests/ tests/factor.actual tests/awib-0.4.actual tests/ tests/prime.actual tests/hanoi.expected tests/ tests/ tests/dbfi.expected tests/ tests/mandelbrot.expected tests/dbfi.actual tests/long.expected tests/ tests/hanoi.actual tests/factor.expected tests/prime.expected tests/awib-0.4.expected

注意最后一行 rm ... .这是从哪里来的?


解决办法是把.SECONDARY:在 makefile 的顶部。更多信息在这里:


GNU make does track some files, which are created during the build, and it will remove such files after the build. The files are called "intermediate files". They are supposed to be created by make’s "chain of Implicit Rules". Because they were created to facilitate something else, make considers them useless after the build and removes them.


.SECONDARY with no prerequisites causes all targets to be treated as secondary (i.e., no target is removed because it is considered intermediate

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