azure-service-fabric - Azure Service Fabric - 部署失败,剩余 1 个分区

标签 azure-service-fabric

我一直在使用 Service Fabric 一段时间,成功构建、部署和测试了多个服务,但我刚刚完成构建的服务在部署时失败(请参阅下面的错误)。在诊断中,我尝试使用 VS 模板(没有代码更改)创建和部署一个全新的服务,但也不会部署 - 同样的错误。但是,计算器 SDK 示例部署得很好。


Service Status:
fabric:/DataFabricServiceApplication/DataFabricService is not ready, 1 partitions remaining.

Service Status:
fabric:/DataFabricServiceApplication/DataFabricService is not ready, 1 partitions remaining.

Service Status:
fabric:/DataFabricServiceApplication/DataFabricService is not ready, 1 partitions remaining.

Service Status:
fabric:/DataFabricServiceApplication/DataFabricService is not ready, 1 partitions remaining.

Service Status:,fabric:/DataFabricServiceApplication/DataFabricService is not ready, 1 partitions remaining.

Something is taking too long, the application is still not ready.
Finished executing script 'Get-FabricApplicationStatus.ps1'.
Time elapsed: 00:01:48.0681346
The thread 0x37fc has exited with code 0 (0x0).
The thread 0x4fe4 has exited with code 0 (0x0).

    PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Get-ServiceFabricServiceHealth -ServiceName fabric:/DataFabricServiceApplication/DataFabricService

    ServiceName           : fabric:/DataFabricServiceApplication/DataFabricService
    AggregatedHealthState : Error
    UnhealthyEvaluations  :
                            Unhealthy partitions: 100% (1/1), MaxPercentUnhealthyPartitionsPerService=0%.

                            Unhealthy partition: PartitionId='3eebd943-097d-4568-ad7e-d37c621a888b', AggregatedHealthState='Error'.

                                Error event: SourceId='System.FM', Property='State'.

    PartitionHealthStates :
                            PartitionId           : 3eebd943-097d-4568-ad7e-d37c621a888b
                            AggregatedHealthState : Error

    HealthEvents          :
                            SourceId              : System.FM
                            Property              : State
                            HealthState           : Ok
                            SequenceNumber        : 10
                            SentAt                : 11/11/2015 07:16:02
                            ReceivedAt            : 11/11/2015 07:16:03
                            TTL                   : Infinite
                            Description           : Service has been created.
                            RemoveWhenExpired     : False
                            IsExpired             : False
                            Transitions           : Warning->Ok = 11/11/2015 07:16:03, LastError = 01/01/0001 00:00:00



对服务运行状况的不健康评估向您显示存在问题的分区。您可以继续深入了解该分区的运行状况 ( Get-ServiceFabricPartitionHealth 3eebd943-097d-4568-ad7e-d37c621a888b )。我的猜测是您将看到来自 ErrorSystem.FM 事件,说明分区低于最小副本集大小。

然后,您可以深入了解副本的健康状况 ( Get-ServiceFabricReplica 3eebd943-097d-4568-ad7e-d37c621a888b | Get-ServiceFabricReplicaHealth )。

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