json - R 到使用 JSONLITE 的分层 JSON?

标签 json r jsonlite

我的最终目标是使用 D3js 从分层 JSON 文件创建树可视化。

我需要表示的层次结构是这个图,其中 A 有子 B、C、D; B 有 child E、F、G; C有 child H,I; D没有 child 。节点将有多个键:值对。为简单起见,我只列出了 3 个。

                             -- name:E
                            |   type:dkBlue
                            |   id: 005
                            |-- name:F
            -- name:B ------|   type:medBlue 
            |  type:blue    |   id: 006
            |  id:002       |
            |               |-- name:G
            |                   type:ltBlue
 name:A ----|                   id:007     
 id:001     |-- name:C  ----|-- name:H
            |   type:red    |   type:dkRed         
            |   id:003      |    id:008
            |               |  
            |               |
            |               |-- name:I
            |                   type:medRed
            |                   id:009
            |-- name:D
                id: 004

我在 R 中的源数据如下所示:

nodes <-read.table(header = TRUE, text = "
ID name type
001 A   colors
002 B   blue
003 C   red
004 D   green
005 E   dkBlue
006 F   medBlue
007 G   ltBlue
008 H   dkRed
009 I   medRed

links <- read.table(header = TRUE, text = "
startID  relation endID    
001      hasSubCat 002
001      hasSubCat 003
001      hasSubCat 004
002      hasSubCat 005
002      hasSubCat 006
002      hasSubCat 007
003      hasSubCat 008
003      hasSubCat 009

我必须将其转换为以下 JSON:

{"name": "A",
 "type": "colors",
 "id" : "001",
 "children": [
    {"name": "B",
      "type": "blue",
      "id"  : "002", 
      "children": [
          {"name": "E",
           "type": "dkBlue",
           "id"  : "003"},
          {"name": "F", 
           "type": "medBlue",
           "id": "004"},
          {"name": "G", 
           "type": "ltBlue",
           "id": "005"}
    {"name": "C",
      "type": "red",
      "id"  : "006", 
      "children": [
          {"name": "H",
           "type": "dkRed",
           "id"  : "007"},
          {"name": "I", 
           "type": "dkBlue",
           "id": "008"}
    {"name": "D",
      "type": "green",
      "id"  : "009"}


[更新 2017-04-18]

根据 Ian 的引用资料,我查看了 R 的 data.tree。如果我如下所示重组我的数据,我可以重新创建我的层次结构。请注意,我已经丢失了每个节点之间的关系类型 (hasSubcat),其值在现实生活中可能因每个链接/边缘而异。如果我能得到一个可行的层次结构,我愿意(暂时)放手。 data.tree 修改后的数据:

df <-read.table(header = TRUE, text = "
paths  type     id 
A      colors   001
A/B    blue     002
A/B/E  dkBlue   005
A/B/F  medBlue  006
A/B/G  ltBlue   007
A/C    red      003
A/C/H  dkRed    008
A/C/I  medRed   009
A/D    green    004

myPaths <- as.Node(df, pathName = "paths")
myPaths$leafCount / (myPaths$totalCount - myPaths$leafCount)
print(myPaths, "type", "id", limit = 25)


  levelName    type id
1 A          colors  1
2  ¦--B        blue  2
3  ¦   ¦--E  dkBlue  5
4  ¦   ¦--F medBlue  6
5  ¦   °--G  ltBlue  7
6  ¦--C         red  3
7  ¦   ¦--H   dkRed  8
8  ¦   °--I  medRed  9
9  °--D       green  4

再一次,我不知道如何将它从树转换为嵌套的 JSON。这里的例子https://ipub.com/data-tree-to-networkd3/与大多数示例一样,假设键值对仅存在于叶节点上,而不存在于分支节点上。我认为答案是创建一个嵌套列表以输入 JSONIO 或 JSONLITE,但我不知道该怎么做。


data.tree 非常有用,可能是实现目标的更好方法。为了好玩,我将提交一个更迂回的方式来使用 igraphd3r 实现嵌套的 JSON

nodes <-read.table(header = TRUE, text = "
ID name type
001 A   colors
002 B   blue
003 C   red
004 D   green
005 E   dkBlue
006 F   medBlue
007 G   ltBlue
008 H   dkRed
009 I   medRed

links <- read.table(header = TRUE, text = "
startID  relation endID    
001      hasSubCat 002
001      hasSubCat 003
001      hasSubCat 004
002      hasSubCat 005
002      hasSubCat 006
002      hasSubCat 007
003      hasSubCat 008
003      hasSubCat 009


# make it an igraph
gf <- graph_from_data_frame(links[,c(1,3,2)],vertices = nodes)

# if we know that this is a tree with root as "A"
#  we can do something like this
df_tree <- dplyr::bind_rows(
    function(x){data.frame(t(names(unclass(x))), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)}

# we can discard the first column
df_tree <- df_tree[,-1]
# then make df_tree[1,1] as 1 (A)
df_tree[1,1] <- "A"

# now add node attributes to our data.frame
df_tree <- df_tree %>%
  # let's get the last non-NA in each row so we can join with nodes
    last_non_na = apply(df_tree, MARGIN=1, function(x){tail(na.exclude(x),1)})
  ) %>%
  # now join with nodes
    by = c("last_non_na" = "name")
  ) %>%
  # now remove last_non_na column

# use d3r to nest as we would like
nested <- df_tree %>%
  d3_nest(value_cols = c("ID", "type"))

关于json - R 到使用 JSONLITE 的分层 JSON?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43399673/


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ios - 是不是JSON解析错了?

javascript - 如何将 JSON 信息从 Flask 传递到 Angular

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r - 使用 readxl 将 excel 文件读入 R 时缺少数据框列

R 中的 JSON(使用 jsonlite)解析错误