订阅之间的 Azure SQL 同步

标签 azure azure-sql-database azure-data-sync

我有 2 个订阅,它们具有相同的数据库,并且它们需要同步数据。这可以通过 Azure SQL 同步来实现吗?

我们之所以有 2 个订阅,是因为其中一个是客户,另一个是客户。

如果这不可能,在 Azure 订阅之间同步 2 个数据库的最佳方法是什么。

Azure SQL data sync


这是 Microsoft Azure SQL 数据同步团队提供的答案:

Thanks for contacting us. We do support sync databases across subscriptions. (In fact, it is one of our use cases.)

If the other subscription also belong to the same tenant, you can directly add it by selecting a different subscription when adding Azure database:

enter image description here

Otherwise, probably it is better to use our PowerShell cmdlet New-AzureRmSqlSyncMember, you need to specify the “MemberServerName” parameter, which is the fully qualified DNS name for the logical server.

To see the subscriptions in portal, they must under the same tenant and the user needs to have permission to both of them. If that’s not the case, they can add the sync member using PowerShell.

关于订阅之间的 Azure SQL 同步,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48301691/


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