python - 在具有泛型类型的类中定义的数据类的类型提示

标签 python python-typing python-dataclasses


# This code passed mypy test
from typing import Generic, TypeVar

T = TypeVar('T')
class BST(Generic[T]):
    class Node:        
        def __init__(
            val: T,
            left: 'BST.Node',
            right: 'BST.Node'
        ) -> None:
            self.val = val
            self.left = left
            self.right = right
使用 dataclass但是,当我尝试使用 dataclass 时简化 Node 的定义,代码在 mypy 测试中失败。
# This code failed to pass mypy test
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Generic, TypeVar

T = TypeVar('T')
class BST(Generic[T]):
    class Node:
        val: T
        left: 'BST.Node'
        right: 'BST.Node'
mypy给了我这个错误信息:( 是行 val: T ) error: Type variable "test_typing.T" is unbound note: (Hint: Use "Generic[T]" or "Protocol[T]" base class to bind "T" inside a class) note: (Hint: Use "T" in function signature to bind "T" inside a function)
# This code passed mypy test, suggest the problem is the reference to `T` in the dataclass definition
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Generic, TypeVar

T = TypeVar('T')
class BST(Generic[T]):
    class Node:
        val: int # chose `int` just for testing
        left: 'BST.Node'
        right: 'BST.Node'
上面的代码再次通过了测试,所以我认为问题是对T的引用在数据类定义中。有谁知道 future 如何解决这个问题以满足我最初的目标?


让我们从 PEP 484 中写的内容开始关于类型变量的范围规则:

A generic class nested in another generic class cannot use same type variables. The scope of the type variables of the outer class doesn't cover the inner one:

T = TypeVar('T')
S = TypeVar('S')

class Outer(Generic[T]):
   class Bad(Iterable[T]):       # Error
   class AlsoBad:
       x = None  # type: List[T] # Also an error

   class Inner(Iterable[S]):     # OK
   attr = None  # type: Inner[T] # Also OK

现在让我们回答为什么这个例子适用于 __init__ 的问题需要 TypeVar 的函数多变的。
这是因为方法__init__被 mypy 视为具有独立 TypeVar 的通用方法多变的。例如 reveal_type(BST[int].Node.__init__)显示 Revealed type is 'def [T, T] (self: main.BST.Node, val: T'-1, left: main.BST.Node, right: main.BST.Node)' .即 T不绑定(bind)到 int这里。

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