python - 如何从python的中心点创建坐标网格?

标签 python python-3.x numpy shapely pyproj

有没有一种方法可以从中心坐标中提取坐标网格(紫色点),例如每个坐标之间的距离为 100 米?
enter image description here

lat = 40.8264859
lon = -3.6805897
在一个函数中,然后返回一个列表或数组的列表,其中包含相应的 lat,lon 网格,彼此相距 100 米,以及远离中心点的最大坐标数(在本例中,该值将为 2 )。例如:
def get_grid_of_coordinates_from_center(lat, lon, meters_between_coor, coors_away_from_center):
    return list_of_lists


试试这种矢量化方法。用米抵消纬度经度的方程的灵感来自 this link在堆栈交换上 -

import numpy as np

lat, lon = 50, -10 #center coordinate
dist, coors = 100, 2 #meters, num coordinates in each direction

#Creating the offset grid
mini, maxi = -dist*coors, dist*coors
n_coord = coors*2+1
axis = np.linspace(mini, maxi, n_coord)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(axis, axis)

#avation formulate for offsetting the latlong by offset matrices
R = 6378137 #earth's radius
dLat = X/R
dLon = Y/(R*np.cos(np.pi*lat/180))
latO = lat + dLat * 180/np.pi
lonO = lon + dLon * 180/np.pi

#stack x and y latlongs and get (lat,long) format
output = np.stack([latO, lonO]).transpose(1,2,0)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

points = output.reshape(-1,2)
x = points[:,0]
y = points[:,1]

plt.scatter(x,y)              #<- plot all points
plt.scatter(50,-10,color='r') #<- plot the center lat long
enter image description here

为了便于理解,我将上述步骤分解为单独的函数(并使用 np.vectorize )。
  • 首先,您需要一个矢量化函数,它接收 (lat, long) 并在 X 和 Y 方向上以米为单位偏移它。
  • 您需要创建一个 offset_grid
  • 您可以从 np.linspace 开始使用所需的点数创建从开始到结束的范围
  • 接下来,您可以使用 np.meshgrid 创建一个包含 X、Y 矩阵的网格。

  • 使用矢量化函数和 offset_grid您可以对每个值应用经纬度偏移,然后 reshape 以获得 (n,n) 预期矩阵中每个点的 (x,y) 值。

  • enter image description here
    让我们从一个用 x 和 y 米偏移 lat、long 的函数开始。
    #Offset any lat long by x, y meters
    def lat_long_offset(lat, lon, x, y):
        lat, lon : Provide lat lon coordinates
        x, y : Provide offset of x and y on lat and long respectively
               This needs to be in meters!
        The approximation is taken from an aviation formula from this stack exchange
        #Earth’s radius, sphere
        #Coordinate offsets in radians
        dLat = x/R
        dLon = y/(R*np.cos(np.pi*lat/180))
        #OffsetPosition, decimal degrees
        latO = lat + dLat * 180/np.pi
        lonO = lon + dLon * 180/np.pi
        return latO, lonO
    #Create a vectorized offset function
    lat_long_offset_vec = np.vectorize(lat_long_offset)
    #Create offset_grid and return coordinates
    def get_mesh(lat, lon, dist, coors):
        #calculate min and max range for coordinates over an axis
        mini, maxi = -dist*coors, dist*coors
        #calculate number of points over an axis
        n_coord = coors*2+1
        #create an axis from min to max value with required number of coordinates
        axis = np.linspace(mini, maxi, n_coord)
        #create an "offset_grid" for X and Y values for both axis. 
        X, Y = np.meshgrid(axis, axis)
        #calcualte offset coordinates for "offset_grid" in meters
        mesh = lat_long_offset_vec(lat, lon, X, Y)
        #Transpose to get the (x,y) values for the offset_grid's shape
        mesh_x_y_format = np.stack(mesh).transpose(1,2,0)
        return mesh_x_y_format
    output = get_mesh(50, -10, 100, 2)
    print('Shape of output grid:', output.shape)
    print('Note: 2 values (x,y) for each point in the expected (5,5) grid')
    print('Output coordinates')
    Shape of output grid: (5, 5, 2)
    Note: 2 values (x,y) for each point in the expected (5,5) grid
    Output coordinates
    [[[ 49.99820337 -10.00279506]
      [ 49.99910168 -10.00279506]
      [ 50.         -10.00279506]
      [ 50.00089832 -10.00279506]
      [ 50.00179663 -10.00279506]]
     [[ 49.99820337 -10.00139753]
      [ 49.99910168 -10.00139753]
      [ 50.         -10.00139753]
      [ 50.00089832 -10.00139753]
      [ 50.00179663 -10.00139753]]
     [[ 49.99820337 -10.        ]
      [ 49.99910168 -10.        ]
      [ 50.         -10.        ]  #<- Notice the original coordinate at center
      [ 50.00089832 -10.        ]
      [ 50.00179663 -10.        ]]
     [[ 49.99820337  -9.99860247]
      [ 49.99910168  -9.99860247]
      [ 50.          -9.99860247]
      [ 50.00089832  -9.99860247]
      [ 50.00179663  -9.99860247]]
     [[ 49.99820337  -9.99720494]
      [ 49.99910168  -9.99720494]
      [ 50.          -9.99720494]
      [ 50.00089832  -9.99720494]
      [ 50.00179663  -9.99720494]]]

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