common-lisp - SBCL 中的 "explicit-check"声明标识符是什么意思?

标签 common-lisp sbcl

在SBCL的源代码中 y-or-n-p ,我看到(declare (explicit-check)) :

(defun y-or-n-p (&optional format-string &rest arguments)
  (declare (explicit-check))
  (flet ((print-query ()
           (apply #'maybe-print-query "(y or n)" format-string arguments)))
    (loop (print-query)
          (case (query-read-char)
            ((#\y #\Y) (return t))
            ((#\n #\N) (return nil))
            (t (clarify-legal-query-input "y" "n"))))))
什么explicit-check做?它没有在 HyperSpec 中列为标准声明标识符,所以它可能是实现定义的。但是,我没有看到任何提及 explicit-checkSBCL manual .


根据代码中的以下来源,似乎explicit-check表示与函数参数关联的类型,由 FTYPE 声明声明,不会自动检查,而是显式检查(手动)。
这避免了在某些函数 f 时进行冗余检查调度一个参数的类型 a到专门的功能 f_a其签名由 FTYPE 声明.没有 explicit-checkf_aa的类型将被检查两次,一次是在类型分派(dispatch)期间,一次是在进入函数时。

  • src/compiler/ir1-translators.lisp
    ;;; Check a new global function definition for consistency with
    ;;; previous declaration or definition, and assert argument/result
    ;;; types if appropriate. This assertion is suppressed by the
    ;;; EXPLICIT-CHECK attribute, which is specified on functions that
    ;;; check their argument types as a consequence of type dispatching.
    ;;; This avoids redundant checks such as NUMBERP on the args to +, etc.
    ;;; FIXME: this seems to have nothing at all to do with adding "new"
    ;;; definitions, as it is only called from IR1-CONVERT-INLINE-EXPANSION.
  • src/compiler/ctype.lisp
    (warn "Explicit-check without known FTYPE is meaningless")
  • package-data-list.lisp-expr
    ;; Advice to the compiler that it doesn't need to assert types.
  • src/compiler/ir1tran.lisp
    ;; EXPLICIT-CHECK by itself specifies that all argument and
    ;; result types are checked by the function body.

  • y-or-n-p 的上下文中,目的是只检查一次类型。它可以提前完成,例如开头y-or-n-p ,然后会调用不检查其类型的“不安全”函数,但这里不是这种情况。
    相反,该函数定义为 defknown ,它执行以下代码:
    (setf (info :function :type name) type-to-store)
    (见 src/compiler/knownfun.lisp)
    如果我没记错的话,这与具有 FTYPE 的效果相同为函数声明(ftypedefknown 都设置了这个信息槽)。
    但是,这里y-or-n-p不需要检查类型本身,因为它主要委托(delegate)给另一个函数,即 maybe-print-query .该函数调用 format ,也声明为 explicit-check .
    它做的第一件事就是etypecheck目标参数,以便将格式调用分派(dispatch)到 %format 的不同调用,这反过来也根据下一个参数的类型(控制字符串或格式化程序函数)分支出不同的结果。

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