shell - 打印 CSV 的前 N ​​行,其中引用的字段可以包含换行符

标签 shell csv awk sed

CSV 文件可以包含带新行的数据。它可以与任何列。还有一些行可以有没有任何新行的数据,所以它应该适用于所有情况

'11111111',TestUSer,1234567890,test,"Hi how are you? Well: we will connnect

Thanks for your time!
With Joy.
Test",Address test,City test
11111116,TestUser,1234567891,test,hello msg,Address test1,City test1
'111111167',TestUSer,1234567890,test,"Hi how are you one? Well: we will connnect

Thanks for your time!
With Joy.
Test",Address test,City test
11111112,TestUser,1234567891,test1,hello msg1,Address test2,City test2
11111113,TestUser,1234567891,test1,hello msg1,Address test2,City test2
11111114,TestUser,1234567891,test1,hello msg1,Address test2,City test2
我正在使用以下命令读取 csv 的前 5 条记录
awk -v RS='("[^"]*")?\r?\n' 'NF{ORS = gensub(/\r?\n(.)/, "\\\\n\\1", "g", RT);  ++n; print} n==5{exit}' file.csv
'11111111',TestUSer,1234567890,test,"Hi how are you? Well: we will connnect\nThanks for your time!\nWith Joy.\Test",Address test,City test
11111116,TestUser,1234567891,test,hello msg,Address test1,City test1
'111111167',TestUSer,1234567890,test,"Hi how are you one? Well: we will connnect\nThanks for your time!\nWith Joy.\nTest",Address test,City test
11111112,TestUser,1234567891,test1,hello msg1,Address test2,City test2
11111113,TestUser,1234567891,test1,hello msg1,Address test2,City test2
11111114,TestUser,1234567891,test1,hello msg1,Address test2,City test2
'11111111',TestUSer,1234567890,test,"Hi how are you? Well: we will connnect\nThanks for your time!\nWith Joy.\Test",Address test,City test
11111116,TestUser,1234567891,test,hello msg,Address test1,City test1
'111111167',TestUSer,1234567890,test,"Hi how are you one? Well: we will connnect\nThanks for your time!\nWith Joy.\nTest",Address test,City test
11111112,TestUser,1234567891,test1,hello msg1,Address test2,City test2


仅凭您展示的 sample ,您能否尝试关注 awk代码。用 GNU 编写和测试 awk .利用 RS记录分隔符,然后全局替换以取消 RT 中的新行,然后相应地打印行。

awk -v RS='"[^"]*"' '{gsub(/\n/,"\\n",RT);ORS=RT} 1' Input_file
要获取前 10 条记录,请尝试以下操作:
awk -v RS='"[^"]*"' '{gsub(/\n/,"\\n",RT);ORS=RT} 1' Input_file | head -10

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