algorithm - 鞍背搜索起点

标签 algorithm sorting haskell

我目前正在阅读 Richard Bird 和 Jeremy Gibbons 合着的 Algorithm Design with HaskellSaddleback search算法在第四章中给出了二分查找后,给出的动机问题是:

给定 f:N x N -> N 在两个参数中都严格递增,并且值 t 找到所有对 (x,y) 这样 f(x,y)=t

第一个定义由 search f t =[(x,y) | x ← [0..t],y ← [0..t],t == f(x,y)],从左下角的原点开始向右上角搜索角,(索引从下到上,从左到右递增),然后本书继续进行改进。

第二个定义由 search f t =[(x,y) | x ← [0..t], y ← [t,t −1..0],t == f(x, y)], 书中引用了这个定义

“第一个改进是从左上角开始,而不是从左下角开始”,然后本书继续进行,直到它变成 Theta(m+n) 对于维度为 n x m.


search f t = searchIn (0,t)
 where searchIn (x, y) | x>t ∨ y<0 =[]
 | z<t = searchIn (x+1, y)
 | z == t = (x, y):searchIn (x+1, y−1)
 | z>t = searchIn (x,y−1)
  where z = f(x,y)

为什么会这样?从原点(0,0)开始有什么问题?,还有 为什么 x 坐标增加而 y 坐标减少,反之亦然(我在 leetCode 上看到 x 减少,y 增加),为什么不让两个坐标都朝增加的方向移动?



Typical input pattern. A curvy line begins in the top left and ends in the bottom right, separating a pure white patch from a pure black patch. Some grey spots appear along the curve.

黑色像素表示大于 t 的值,白色较小,灰色等于。我们的目标是找到所有的灰色点。理想情况下,要进行此搜索,我们只想沿着黑色和白色之间的边界行走。唯一的问题是我们不知道边界从哪里开始,所以我们需要搜索甚至知道在哪里搜索。如果我们从左下角开始,我们将不得不这样做:

The previous curve is shown again, with a new red curve added. The red curve begins with a straight line from the bottom left corner, extending vertically to the previous curve's start in the top left, then following the previous curve towards the bottom right.


The first curve appears a third time, again with a red curve added. This time, the red curve begins in the top left corner, extending vertically downward in a straight line until it reaches the previous curve, then mimicking the previous curve as it meanders toward the bottom right.



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