javascript - 如何在 TypeScript 的 Vue Composition API 中响应式访问当前路由名称?

标签 javascript typescript vue.js vue-router vuejs3

如何访问 当前路线名称 , react 性地,与 Vue路由器使用 Vue 组合 API 带有 TypeScript 的 Vue 3 ?


以下是使用 的示例Vue 3.0 Vue 路由器 v4.0.0-beta.12 组合 API 句法:

<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, computed, watch } from 'vue';
import { useRoute } from 'vue-router';

export default defineComponent({
  name: 'MyCoolComponent',
  setup() {
    const route = useRoute();
    console.debug(`current route name on component setup init: ${}`);

    // You could use computed property which re-evaluates on route name updates
    // const routeName = computed(() =>;

    // You can watch the property for triggering some other action on change
    watch(() =>, () => {
      console.debug(`MyCoolComponent - watch changed to ${}`);
      // Do something here...

    // Optionally you can set immediate: true config for the watcher to run on init
    //}, { immediate: true });
    return { route };

  <p>Current route name: {{ }}</p>
或者使用当前实验性的 脚本设置语法 , SFC Composition API Syntax Sugar , 对于 组合 API :
<script setup lang="ts">
import { computed, watch } from 'vue';
import { useRoute } from 'vue-router';

export const name = 'MyCoolComponent';

export const route = useRoute();
console.debug(`current route name on component setup init: ${}`);

// You could use computed property which re-evaluates on route name updates
//export const routeName = computed(() =>;

// You can watch the property for triggering some other action on change
watch(() =>, () => {
  console.debug(`MyCoolComponent - watch changed to ${}`);
  // Do something here...

  // Optionally you can set immediate: true config for the watcher to run on init
//}, { immediate: true });

  <p>Current route name: {{ }}</p>

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