python - ast python如何在不同文件的方法之间找到连接

标签 python abstract-syntax-tree

我想在整个应用程序中索引所有方法和它们之间的连接(最终是一个包含子目录和文件的目录)。我正在使用 ast ,循环遍历目录直到单个文件,然后将它们加载到 ast像这样的对象 ast.parse(self.file_content)


def scan(self):
        scans a file line by line while keeping context of location and classes
        indexes a file buffer content into a ast, Abstract Syntax Trees,
        Then, iterate over the elements, find relevant ones to index, and index them into the db.
    parsed_result = ast.parse(self.file_content)
    for element in parsed_result.body:
        results = self.index_element(element)

def index_element(self, element, class_name=None):

        if element is relevant, meaning method -> index
        if element is Class -> recursively call it self

    :param element:
    :param class_name:
    :return: [{insert_result: <db_insert_result>, 'structured_data': <method> object}, ...]
    # find classes
        # find methods inside classes
    # find hanging functions

    # validation on element type
    if self.should_index_element(element):
        if self.is_class_definition(element):
            class_element = element
            indexed_items = []
            for inner_element in class_element.body:
                # recursive call
                results = self.index_element(inner_element,
                indexed_items += results

            return indexed_items
            structured_data = self.structure_method_into_an_object(element, class_name=class_name)
            result_graph = self.dal_client.methods_graph.insert_or_update(structured_data)
            return "WhatEver"

    return "WhatEver"

我的问题是,是否可以使用 ast 创建此图? .如果是,如何?
根据我的理解,我目前不能,因为我正在加载 一次一个文件 ast对象,它不知道外部方法。

这是我想在它们之间链接的 2 个文件的示例:
from sample_class_b import SampleClassB

sample_b = SampleClassB()

class SampleClassA(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.a = 1

    def test_call_to_another_function(self):
        return sample_b.test()
class SampleClassB(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.b = 1

    def test(self):
        return True


您可以遍历ast.Ast tree 并在每次递归调用时执行以下四件事之一:

  • 如果树是 class定义,存储 class名称及其关联的方法,然后应用 Connections.walk到每个方法,存储 class和范围内的方法名称。
  • 如果树是 import语句,加载模块并递归运行 Connections.walk在上面。
  • 如果正在进行属性查找并且 Connections.walk在方法内,检查属性名称是否是任何 class 的方法es 当前加载。如果是这样,添加一条边到 edges将当前范围与发现的这个新方法联系起来。
  • 如果上述情况均未发生,则继续遍历树。
  • import ast, itertools
    import re, importlib
    class Connections:
       def __init__(self):
          self._classes, self.edges = {}, []
       def walk(self, tree, scope=None):
          t_obj = None
          if isinstance(tree, ast.ClassDef):
             self._classes[] = [i for i in tree.body if isinstance(i, ast.FunctionDef) and not re.findall('__[a-z]+__',]
             _ = [self.walk(i, [,]) for i in self._classes[]]
             t_obj = [i for i in tree.body if i not in self._classes[]]
          elif isinstance(tree, (ast.Import, ast.ImportFrom)):
             for p in [tree.module] if hasattr(tree, 'module') else [ for i in tree.names]:
                with open(importlib.import_module(p).__file__) as f:
                   t_obj = ast.parse(
          elif isinstance(tree, ast.Attribute) and scope is not None:
             if (c:=[a for a, b in self._classes.items() if any( == tree.attr for i in b)]):
                self.edges.append((scope, [c[0], tree.attr]))
             t_obj = tree.value
          if isinstance(t_obj:=(tree if t_obj is None else t_obj), list):
             for i in t_obj:
                self.walk(i, scope = scope)
             for i in getattr(t_obj, '_fields', []):
                self.walk(getattr(t_obj, i), scope=scope)
    with open('') as f:
       c = Connections()
    [(['SampleClassA', 'test_call_to_another_function'], ['SampleClassB', 'test'])] 
    重要提示:取决于您正在运行的文件的复杂性 Connections.walk上,一个 RecursionError可能会发生。为了规避这一点,here是一个包含 Connections.walk 迭代版本的 Gist .

    edges 创建图形:
    import networkx as nx
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    g, labels, c1 = nx.DiGraph(), {}, itertools.count(1)
    for m1, m2 in c.edges:
       if (p1:='.'.join(m1)) not in labels:
          labels[p1] = next(c1)
       if (p2:='.'.join(m2)) not in labels:
          labels[p2] = next(c1)
       g.add_edge(labels[p1], labels[p2])
    nx.draw(g, pos, labels={b:a for a, b in labels.items()}, with_labels = True) 
    enter image description here

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