r - tagAssert 创建一个 Shiny 的仪表板时出错

标签 r shiny shinydashboard

我正在制作一个 Shiny 的仪表板,但出现此错误:

Error in tagAssert(body, type = "div", class = "content-wrapper") : 
  Expected tag to be of type div

我不知道这意味着什么。谷歌搜索给我什么。我有我的dashboardHeader、dashboardSidebar、dashboardBody。这是完整的代码,因为我不知道错误在哪里。 Shiny 应用程序正常工作,只是将其放在仪表板中而已。

shinyApp(ui = dashboardPage(
  dashboardHeader(title = "Basic dashboard"),

                "Pick a Project",
                choices = c("ALTTobacco - 5/10/17 through 6/11/17",
                            "BehavioralFactors - 2/13/17 through 3/15/17",
                            "CobbParks - 4/11/16 through 5/5/16", 
                            "CobbSeniors - 3/16/17 through 5/4/17", 
                            "DDW-16 - 6/21/16 through 6/29/16", 
                            "DDW-17 - 6/19/17 through 6/22/17", 
                            "DDW-18 - 7/9/18 through 7/13/18", 
                            "FortValley2017 - 7/19/17 through 9/10/17", 
                            "Fulton2016 - 8/15/16 through 10/24/16", 
                            "Fulton2018 - 2/19/18 through 3/17/18", 
                            "Habitat2016 - 10/3/16 through 10/12/16", 
                            "JohnsCreek - 4/5/17 through 5/22/17", 
                            "OhioFamily2016 - 9/12/16 through 10/1/16", 
                            "WrightDiabetes - 11/21/16 through 1/22/17"),
                selected = "ALTTobacco")
    menuItem("Dashboard", tabName = "dashboard"),
    menuItem("Different Projects", tabName = "project")

    # First tab content
    tabItem(tabName = "dashboard",
# Second tab content
    tabItem(tabName = "project",

server = function(input, output) {

  datasetInput <- reactive({
           "ALTTobacco - 5/10/17 through 6/11/17" = ALTTobacco,
           "BehavioralFactors - 2/13/17 through 3/15/17" = BehavioralFactors,
           "CobbParks - 4/11/16 through 5/5/16" = CobbParks, 
           "CobbSeniors - 3/16/17 through 5/4/17" = CobbSeniors, 
           "DDW-16 - 6/21/16 through 6/29/16" = DDW16, 
           "DDW-17 - 6/19/17 through 6/22/17" = DDW17, 
           "DDW-18 - 7/9/18 through 7/13/18" = DDW18, 
           "FortValley2017 - 7/19/17 through 9/10/17" = FortValley2017, 
           "Fulton2016 - 8/15/16 through 10/24/16" = Fulton2016, 
           "Fulton2018 - 2/19/18 through 3/17/18" = Fulton2018, 
           "Habitat2016 - 10/3/16 through 10/12/16" = Habitat2016, 
           "JohnsCreek - 4/5/17 through 5/22/17" = JohnsCreek, 
           "OhioFamily2016 - 9/12/16 through 10/1/16" = OhioFamily2016, 
           "WrightDiabetes - 11/21/16 through 1/22/17" = WrightDiabetes)

  output$distPlot <- renderPlot({
    dataset <- datasetInput() 

    my.bp <<-ggplot(data=surv, aes(y= Completes, x=ProjectName, fill=ProjectName ) ) # Creates boxplots
    my.bp <- my.bp + geom_boxplot() # Adds color
    my.bp <- my.bp + ggtitle("Distribution of Completed Surveys by Project") # Adds a title
    my.bp <- my.bp +  ylab("Completed Surveys per Day") + xlab("Project") # Adds kaveks
    my.bp <- my.bp + coord_flip()

  output$distPlot2 <- renderPlot({
    dataset <- datasetInput()
    plot(dataset$Date2, dataset$Completes, 
         xlab = "Number of Days Since Beginning Survey", 
         ylab = "Number of Completed Surveys Per Day",
         title = "Completed Surveys by Number of Days Since Survey Began")
    lines(dataset$Date2, dataset$Completes)
    abline(h=mean(dataset$Completes, na.rm=TRUE), col="red")
  output$distPlot3 <- renderPlot({
    dataset <- datasetInput()
    plot(dataset$Dials, dataset$Completes,
         xlab = "Number of Dials Made in a Day",
         ylab = "Number of Completed Surveys per Day",
         title = "Completed Surveys Compared to Dials Made per Day")
    lines(dataset$Dials[order(dataset$Dials)], dataset$Completes[order(dataset$Dials)])
    abline(h=mean(dataset$Completes, na.rm=TRUE), col="red")
  output$distPlot4 <- renderPlot({
    dataset <- datasetInput()
    plot(dataset$Date2, dataset$Dials,
         xlab = "Number of Days Since Beginning Survey",
         ylab = "Number of Dials Made in a Day",
         tite = "Number of Dials Made per Day Since Survey Began")
    lines(dataset$Date2[order(dataset$Date2)], dataset$Dials[order(dataset$Date2)])
    abline(h=mean(dataset$Dials, na.rm=TRUE), col="red")
  output$distPlot5 <- renderPlot({
    dataset <- datasetInput()
    dataset$DialRatio <- dataset$Dials / dataset$Intervierwers
    plot(dataset$Date2, dataset$DialRatio,
         xlab = "Number of Days Since Beginning Survey",
         ylab = "Ratio of Dials Made over Interviewers Present",
         title = "Ratio of Dials Made to Interviewers Present Since Survey Began")
    lines(dataset$Date2[order(dataset$Date2)], dataset$DialRatio[order(dataset$Date2)])
    abline(h=mean(dataset$DialRatio, na.rm=TRUE), col="red")



  • 您的 sidebarMenu()在外面 dashboardSidebar()
  • 你写了 plotoutput()而不是 plotOutput

  • 您的代码(已更新):
    shinyApp(ui = dashboardPage(
      dashboardHeader(title = "Basic dashboard"),
                    "Pick a Project",
                    choices = c("ALTTobacco - 5/10/17 through 6/11/17",
                                "BehavioralFactors - 2/13/17 through 3/15/17",
                                "CobbParks - 4/11/16 through 5/5/16", 
                                "CobbSeniors - 3/16/17 through 5/4/17", 
                                "DDW-16 - 6/21/16 through 6/29/16", 
                                "DDW-17 - 6/19/17 through 6/22/17", 
                                "DDW-18 - 7/9/18 through 7/13/18", 
                                "FortValley2017 - 7/19/17 through 9/10/17", 
                                "Fulton2016 - 8/15/16 through 10/24/16", 
                                "Fulton2018 - 2/19/18 through 3/17/18", 
                                "Habitat2016 - 10/3/16 through 10/12/16", 
                                "JohnsCreek - 4/5/17 through 5/22/17", 
                                "OhioFamily2016 - 9/12/16 through 10/1/16", 
                                "WrightDiabetes - 11/21/16 through 1/22/17"),
                    selected = "ALTTobacco"),
          menuItem("Dashboard", tabName = "dashboard"),
          menuItem("Different Projects", tabName = "project")
        # First tab content
        tabItem(tabName = "dashboard",
        # Second tab content
        tabItem(tabName = "project",
    server = function(input, output) {
      datasetInput <- reactive({
               "ALTTobacco - 5/10/17 through 6/11/17" = ALTTobacco,
               "BehavioralFactors - 2/13/17 through 3/15/17" = BehavioralFactors,
               "CobbParks - 4/11/16 through 5/5/16" = CobbParks, 
               "CobbSeniors - 3/16/17 through 5/4/17" = CobbSeniors, 
               "DDW-16 - 6/21/16 through 6/29/16" = DDW16, 
               "DDW-17 - 6/19/17 through 6/22/17" = DDW17, 
               "DDW-18 - 7/9/18 through 7/13/18" = DDW18, 
               "FortValley2017 - 7/19/17 through 9/10/17" = FortValley2017, 
               "Fulton2016 - 8/15/16 through 10/24/16" = Fulton2016, 
               "Fulton2018 - 2/19/18 through 3/17/18" = Fulton2018, 
               "Habitat2016 - 10/3/16 through 10/12/16" = Habitat2016, 
               "JohnsCreek - 4/5/17 through 5/22/17" = JohnsCreek, 
               "OhioFamily2016 - 9/12/16 through 10/1/16" = OhioFamily2016, 
               "WrightDiabetes - 11/21/16 through 1/22/17" = WrightDiabetes)
      output$distPlot <- renderPlot({
        dataset <- datasetInput() 
        my.bp <<-ggplot(data=surv, aes(y= Completes, x=ProjectName, fill=ProjectName ) ) # Creates boxplots
        my.bp <- my.bp + geom_boxplot() # Adds color
        my.bp <- my.bp + ggtitle("Distribution of Completed Surveys by Project") # Adds a title
        my.bp <- my.bp +  ylab("Completed Surveys per Day") + xlab("Project") # Adds kaveks
        my.bp <- my.bp + coord_flip()
      output$distPlot2 <- renderPlot({
        dataset <- datasetInput()
        plot(dataset$Date2, dataset$Completes, 
             xlab = "Number of Days Since Beginning Survey", 
             ylab = "Number of Completed Surveys Per Day",
             title = "Completed Surveys by Number of Days Since Survey Began")
        lines(dataset$Date2, dataset$Completes)
        abline(h=mean(dataset$Completes, na.rm=TRUE), col="red")
      output$distPlot3 <- renderPlot({
        dataset <- datasetInput()
        plot(dataset$Dials, dataset$Completes,
             xlab = "Number of Dials Made in a Day",
             ylab = "Number of Completed Surveys per Day",
             title = "Completed Surveys Compared to Dials Made per Day")
        lines(dataset$Dials[order(dataset$Dials)], dataset$Completes[order(dataset$Dials)])
        abline(h=mean(dataset$Completes, na.rm=TRUE), col="red")
      output$distPlot4 <- renderPlot({
        dataset <- datasetInput()
        plot(dataset$Date2, dataset$Dials,
             xlab = "Number of Days Since Beginning Survey",
             ylab = "Number of Dials Made in a Day",
             tite = "Number of Dials Made per Day Since Survey Began")
        lines(dataset$Date2[order(dataset$Date2)], dataset$Dials[order(dataset$Date2)])
        abline(h=mean(dataset$Dials, na.rm=TRUE), col="red")
      output$distPlot5 <- renderPlot({
        dataset <- datasetInput()
        dataset$DialRatio <- dataset$Dials / dataset$Intervierwers
        plot(dataset$Date2, dataset$DialRatio,
             xlab = "Number of Days Since Beginning Survey",
             ylab = "Ratio of Dials Made over Interviewers Present",
             title = "Ratio of Dials Made to Interviewers Present Since Survey Began")
        lines(dataset$Date2[order(dataset$Date2)], dataset$DialRatio[order(dataset$Date2)])
        abline(h=mean(dataset$DialRatio, na.rm=TRUE), col="red")

    关于r - tagAssert 创建一个 Shiny 的仪表板时出错,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51620860/


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