latex - Atom 中的 Latex 文件拼写检查

标签 latex atom-editor tex

我试图在原子/拼写检查的设置->语法中添加 .tex 文件,以便它检查我的文档中的拼写,因为 .tex 文件将是一个 PDF 文档,但它不起作用。

enter image description here


发现我使用了错误的语法。正确的范围是 text.tex.latex . README 文件中已经提到了如何获取它。在 Atom 编辑器中按照以下步骤操作。

To enable Spell Check for your current file type: put your cursor in the file, open the Command Palette (cmd-shift-p), and run the Editor: Log Cursor Scope command. This will trigger a notification which will contain a list of scopes. The first scope that's listed is the one you should add to the list of scopes in the settings for the Spell Check package. Here are some examples:,text.plain, text.html.basic.

enter image description here

enter image description here

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