firebase - 从Google Sheets脚本重新排列Firebase实时数据库中显示的值

标签 firebase firebase-realtime-database google-apps-script google-sheets google-sheets-api

我想更改我的值在 Firebase 实时数据库中的显示方式。它们显示为数字,我希望显示列的标题。


var secret = 'xxxx'

function getFirebaseUrl(jsonPath) {

  We then make a URL builder
  This takes in a path, and
  returns a URL that updates the data in that path

  return (

    '' +

    jsonPath +
    '.json?auth=' +

function syncMasterSheet(excelData) {

  We make a PUT (update) request,
  and send a JSON payload
  More info on the REST API here :

  var options = {

    method: 'put',
    contentType: 'application/json',
    payload: JSON.stringify(excelData)

  var fireBaseUrl = getFirebaseUrl('Users')

  We use the UrlFetchApp google scripts module
  More info on this here :

  UrlFetchApp.fetch(fireBaseUrl, options)


function startSync() {

  //Get the currently active sheet

  var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet()

  //Get the number of rows and columns which contain some content

  var [rows, columns] = [sheet.getLastRow(), sheet.getLastColumn()]

  //Get the data contained in those rows and columns as a 2 dimensional array

  var data = sheet.getRange(1, 1, rows, columns).getValues()

  //Use the syncMasterSheet function defined before to push this data to the "masterSheet" key in the firebase database



Firebase 数据库屏幕截图: screenshot of firebase database

电子表格屏幕截图: screenshot of spreadsheet


数据将以您发送的格式推送到 Firebase 数据库 - Range.getValues() 的返回值是 Object[][](参见here)。


我不会复制您的所有代码,只会复制需要更改的两个函数。首先,startSync 应分别获取标题行和数据行(假设您不希望数据库中包含标题行本身的项目):

function startSync() {
  //Get the currently active sheet
  var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet()

  //Get the number of rows and columns which contain some content

  var [rows, columns] = [sheet.getLastRow(), sheet.getLastColumn()]

  // Get the data contained in those rows and columns as a 2 dimensional array.
  // Get the headers in a separate array.
  var headers = sheet.getRange(1, 1, 1, columns).getValues()[0];  // [0] to unwrap the outer array
  var data = sheet.getRange(2, 1, rows - 1, columns).getValues();  // skipping the header row means we need to reduce rows by 1.

  //Use the syncMasterSheet function defined before to push this data to the "masterSheet" key in the firebase database

  syncMasterSheet(headers, data)

其次,syncMasterSheet() 应在执行 PUT 之前构建要 PUT 的对象:

function syncMasterSheet(sheetHeaders, sheetData) {
  We make a PUT (update) request,
  and send a JSON payload
  More info on the REST API here :
  const outputData = [];
  for(i = 0; i < sheetData.length; i++) {
      var row = sheetData[i];
      var newRow = {};
      for(j = 0; j < row.length; j++) {
        newRow[sheetHeaders[j]] = row[j];

  var options = {
    method: 'put',
    contentType: 'application/json',
    payload: JSON.stringify(outputData)

  var fireBaseUrl = getFirebaseUrl('SpreadsheetTest')

  We use the UrlFetchApp google scripts module
  More info on this here :
  UrlFetchApp.fetch(fireBaseUrl, options)

关于firebase - 从Google Sheets脚本重新排列Firebase实时数据库中显示的值,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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