java - 如何构建泛型类和构造函数以使用泛型方法?

标签 java class generics constructor

我在理解如何构建类和泛型构造函数时遇到问题。 我对泛型还很陌生,但现在我有了基本的了解。


public <T> List<T> groupProceeds(Collection<? extends T> e, Function<? super T, Integer> p) {
    int from = 10001;
    int to = 10070;
    int sum = 1010000;

    return buildGroup(e, p, from, to, sum);



public class StandardStructure<T, P> {

    private T entities;
    private P property;

    public StandardStructure (Collection<? extends T> entities, Function<? super T, Integer> property) {
        this.entities = entities; = property;


    public <T> List<T> groupProceeds(Collection<? extends T> e, Function<? super T, Integer> p) {
        int from = 10001;
        int to = 10070;
        int sum = 1010000;

        return buildGroup(e, p, from, to, sum);





  • 您的泛型中不需要 P 类型,因为 property 属性的类型以 T 表示>

  • 如果您将实体属性作为类变量,则无需将它们传递给groupProceeds方法

  • 此处不能使用 @Override,因为您没有扩展任何类或实现任何接口(interface)

  • 您不应该使方法通用,因为它会隐藏类通用。您想要与 T 类相同的 T。


public class StandardStructure<T> {

    private Collection<? extends T> entities;
    private Function<? super T, Integer> property;

    public StandardStructure (Collection<? extends T> entities, Function<? super T, Integer> property) {
        this.entities = entities; = property;

    public List<T> groupProceeds() {
        int from = 10001;
        int to = 10070;
        int sum = 1010000;

        return buildGroup(entities, property, from, to, sum);

    private List<T> buildGroup(Collection<? extends T> e,  Function<? super T, Integer> p, int from, int to, int sum) {
        /* Whatever that does */


public class StandardStructure<T> {

    public List<T> groupProceeds(Collection<? extends T> entities, Function<? super T, Integer> property) {
        int from = 10001;
        int to = 10070;
        int sum = 1010000;

        return buildGroup(entities, property, from, to, sum);

    private List<T> buildGroup(Collection<? extends T> e,  Function<? super T, Integer> p, int from, int to, int sum) {
         /* Whatever that does */

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