reactjs - 从 React Bootstrap 表中禁用/删除分页编号

标签 reactjs bootstrap-4 pagination react-bootstrap-table






import React from "react";
import { BootstrapTable, TableHeaderColumn } from "react-bootstrap-table";
import { products } from "./products";

function Table() {
    const renderShowsTotal = (start, to, total) => {
        return (
            <p style={{ color: "blue" }}>
                From {start} to {to}, totals is {total}&nbsp;&nbsp;(its a
                customize text)
    const options = {
        sizePerPageList: [
                text: "5",
                value: 5
                text: "10",
                value: 10
                text: "All",
                value: products.length
        sizePerPage: 10, // which size per page you want to locate as default
        // pageStartIndex: 0, // where to start counting the pages
        // paginationSize: 3,  // the pagination bar size.
        prePage: "Prev", // Previous page button text
        nextPage: "Next", // Next page button text
        firstPage: "First", // First page button text
        lastPage: "Last", // Last page button text
        paginationShowsTotal: renderShowsTotal(), // Accept bool or function
        paginationPosition: "bottom", // default is bottom, top and both is all available
        hideSizePerPage: true, // You can hide the dropdown for sizePerPage
        alwaysShowAllBtns: true // Always show next and previous button
        // withFirstAndLast: false // Hide the going to First and Last page button
    return (
        <div className="react-bootstrap-table container mt-4">
            <h2>React Bootstrap Table with pagination</h2>
            <BootstrapTable data={products} pagination options={options}>
                <TableHeaderColumn dataField="id" isKey={true}>
                    Product ID
                <TableHeaderColumn dataField="name">
                    Product Name
                <TableHeaderColumn dataField="price">
                    Product Price

export default Table;





const options = {
  paginationSize : 1,

然后应用CSS {
  display: none;


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