python-3.x - 如何在列表中追加项目以供稍后在 If 语句中使用

标签 python-3.x if-statement pygame append

我正在创建一个基于文本的游戏,当我尝试添加一把刀传递到森林时遇到问题。我的想法是,玩家需要使用'C'选项将Knife添加到库存中。并使用Knife 传递到'B' 选项中的森林。请问有什么解决办法吗?

a1 = input('What you want to do? \nCheck some rock around you(A) \nGo to the Forest(B) \nSee around of the beach in the island(C) \n\n')
obj = []
def addknife():
if a1.capitalize() == 'A':
    print('It is nothing else than a rock.')
elif a1.capitalize() == 'C':
    print('Walking for the beach, you encountered a Knife.')
elif a1.capitalize() == 'B':
    if 'Knife' in obj:
        print('You can go to the forest.')
        print('The plants do not allow you to pass.')




#             index 0                   index 1         index 2               index 3
locations = [ "Rocky End of The Beach", "On The Beach", "Edge of The Forest", "In The Forest" ]
player_location = 0

所以一开始,播放器可以显示locations[ player_location ] ,这将是“海滩的岩石尽头”。

类似于locations ,也许可能有一个位于每个位置的对象列表:

objects = [ [ ], [ "Knife" ], [ "Coconut", "Banana" ], [ ] ]

显然我们有一个列表列表,所以如果player_location2 ,可用对象为 [ "Coconuts", "Bananas" ]


def showLocation( player_location ):
    global locations, objects
    # show the location description
    print( locations[ player_location ], end='. ' )
    # show the location's objects
    if ( len( objects[ player_location ] ) > 0 ):
        print( "There is: " )
        for item in objects[ player_location ]:
            print( item, end=", " )
    print("") # end-of-line

因此,在“海滩”位置( player_location1 ),此位置文本将变为:

On The Beach. There is: Knife

另一个导出列表可以控制玩家从当前位置移动的方式,另一个列表可以指示需要哪个“ key ”。因此,如果玩家位于位置 0 ,他们可以移至1 =海滩,2 =森林边缘。如果玩家“在海滩上”,他们只能移回索引 = 0(岩石末端)等。

exits = [ [ 1, 2 ], [ 0 ], [ 0, 2 ], [ 1 ] ]   # numbers of joined locations
keys  = [ [ ], [ ], [ ], [ "Knife" ] ]         # objects needed to enter

keys指示玩家需要拥有哪些元素才能进入该位置。因此对于前 3 个位置,不需要任何对象。但要进入森林(只能从“森林边缘”进入),玩家需要拥有“刀”。

像这样的简单列表系统可以定义一组有关您的位置的规则。然后相同的代码可以循环询问玩家命令。该命令将与位置进行比较。因此,例如,“获取香蕉”仅在 objects 时才有效。列表在该特定 player_location 处有一个“香蕉”项目索引。



# Do Forever:
#     Show player the location description
#     Get input from player
#     if a movement command
#         if player has key-object to move, or no object needed
#             change the `player_location` index
#         else
#             Show "You need object XXX" to player
#     if a get/drop command and item valid
#         change the player & location objects list   

关于python-3.x - 如何在列表中追加项目以供稍后在 If 语句中使用,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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