python - 当用户仅单击输入时,我试图停止循环?

标签 python python-3.x

当用户输入数字 <=0 或用户仅单击输入时,我试图停止此循环。 当用户仅单击输入时如何创建中断?

    number = int(input('Type a number, [to stop type 0 or less]'))
    num_sum = number
    times = 0

    while True:
        number = int(input('Type a number, [to stop type 0 or less]'))
        num_sum += number
        times += 1
        if number <= 0:

    average = num_sum / times
    print(f'{times} number received \nThe average of number recceived is:'+'{:.4f}'.format(average))


input()int() 作为两个单独的步骤调用。

while True:
    # call input() by itself, without calling int()
    answer = input('Type a number, [to stop type 0 or less]')

    # if the user pressed enter without typing an answer, break
    if not answer:

    # otherwise convert answer to an integer
    number = int(answer)

    # remaining code is unchanged

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