c - 编码/解码程序的逻辑错误 (C)

标签 c decode encode

我是 C 编程类(class)的初学者,我们教科书第三章的作业是创建一个编码/解码程序,该程序从用户输入中获取四位数字,并根据用户是否想要重新排列它们它们被编码或解码。我也无法让程序在一个文件中进行解码和编码。。然而,当我启动程序时,每当我选择编码并输入四位数字时,程序不仅会给出一个应该只有四位数字的大量数字作为编码结果。它还给我“按任意键继续”提示,表示程序结束,而不是完全重新开始并返回到要求用户解码或编码的地方。


我尝试环顾四周并将一些变量从 int 更改为 double,并检查我的数学...我不是 100% 确定为什么加密和解密不限于四位数字之外的任何内容。

至于让程序重新开始,我尝试过使用 do-while 循环,但它似乎仍然不起作用,所以我删除了它。我还尝试使用另一个 if 语句,然后使用 break ,但它被标记为错误。



Enter a four digit number: 1234
Encoded Digits: 0189
Continue (1) Exit (0): 1
Encode (1) Decode (2): 2
Enter a four digit number: 0189
Decoded Digits: 1234
Continue (1) Exit (0): 0


///Compiler used: Microsoft Visual Studio
///Language: C
#include <string>
#pragma warning(disable: 4996) 
#include <math.h>

int main()

    int Encodechoice = 1;
    int inputdigit1 = 0;
    int Decodechoice = 2;
    int UserChoice = 0;
    int ContinueChoice = 0;
    int UserDigit1 = 0;
    int UserDigit2 = 0;
    int UserDigit3 = 0;
    int UserDigit4 = 0;

        printf("(1) Encode, (2) Decode\n");
        printf("Make your selection.\n");//Asks user to make selection
        scanf_s("%d", &UserChoice);

        if (UserChoice == 1)//begin encryption

            UserDigit1 = 0;
            UserDigit2 = 0;
            UserDigit3 = 0;
            UserDigit4 = 0;
            printf("Encode: Enter FOUR integers.\n");
            scanf_s("%d", &UserDigit1, &UserDigit2, &UserDigit3, &UserDigit4);
            int EncodedIntegers1 = (UserDigit1 + 7) % 10;
            int EncodedIntegers2 = (UserDigit2 + 7) % 10;
            int EncodedIntegers3 = (UserDigit3 + 7) % 10;
            int EncodedIntegers4 = (UserDigit4 + 7) % 10;
            printf("Encoded result:\n");
            printf("%d", "%d", "%d", "%d\n", EncodedIntegers3, &EncodedIntegers4, &EncodedIntegers1, &EncodedIntegers2); /// swap order of integers
        }///end if

        if (UserChoice == 2)///begin decryption
            UserDigit1 = 0;
            UserDigit2 = 0;
            UserDigit3 = 0;
            UserDigit4 = 0;
            printf("Decode: Enter FOUR integers.\n");
            scanf_s("%d", &UserDigit1, &UserDigit2, &UserDigit3, &UserDigit4);
            int DecodedIntegers1 = (UserDigit1 - 7) * 10;
            int DecodedIntegers2 = (UserDigit2 - 7) * 10;
            int DecodedIntegers3 = (UserDigit3 - 7) * 10;
            int DecodedIntegers4 = (UserDigit4 - 7) * 10;
            printf("Decoded result:\n");
            printf("%d", "%d", "%d", "%d\n", DecodedIntegers1, &DecodedIntegers2, &DecodedIntegers3, &DecodedIntegers4); /// keep order the same to decrypt
        }///end if
        return 0;


Make your selection.
Encode: Enter FOUR integers.
Encoded result:
11893608 Continue? (1) Yes, (0) No
Make your selection.
Press any key to continue . . .```



char UserInputNumber[5];
printf("Encode: Enter FOUR integers.\n");
scanf("%s", UserInputNumber);
// optional error checking the input: length is 4? All char is a number?
UserDigit1 = (UserInputNumber[0] - '0');
UserDigit2 = (UserInputNumber[1] - '0');
UserDigit3 = (UserInputNumber[2] - '0');
UserDigit4 = (UserInputNumber[3] - '0');

您的 printf 应该如下所示:

printf("%d%d%d%d\n", EncodedIntegers3, EncodedIntegers4, EncodedIntegers1, EncodedIntegers2);


关于c - 编码/解码程序的逻辑错误 (C),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60316347/


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