TypeScript 泛型 TypedArray : TypedArray is not assignable to T

标签 typescript


type FloatArray = Float32Array | Float64Array;
type IntegerArray =
  | Int8Array
  | Uint8Array
  | Int16Array
  | Uint16Array
  | Int32Array
  | Uint32Array
  | Uint8ClampedArray;
type TypedArray = FloatArray | IntegerArray;

export function identityArray<T extends TypedArray>(array: T): T {
  return array.subarray(0);
// Type 'TypedArray' is not assignable to type 'T'




type TypedArray = FloatArray | IntegerArray;
type WithSubArray<T extends TypedArray> = { subarray(begin?: number, end?: number): T };

export function identityArray<T extends TypedArray>(array: WithSubArray<T>): T {
    return array.subarray(0);

const res1 = identityArray(new Int8Array(2)) // Int8Array 👌
const res2 = identityArray(new Float32Array(2)) // Float32Array 👌
const res3 = identityArray([1, 2, 3]) // ✖

如果将 T 声明为函数返回类型,请确保在函数体中也准确返回 T。通过使用 WithSubArray,我们可以向编译器明确表示 array.subarray 返回 T 而不是 TypedArray

TS Playground to try it out

关于TypeScript 泛型 TypedArray : TypedArray is not assignable to T,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60793386/


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