pandas - 使 groupby.apply 更高效或转换为 spark

标签 pandas dataframe pyspark apache-spark-sql pandas-groupby


我正在使用 pandas groupby.apply 来使用我自己的自定义函数。但是,我注意到该功能非常非常慢。有人可以帮我转换此代码以应用于 spark 数据帧吗?


import pandas as pd
import operator

df = pd.DataFrame({
    'Instruments': ['A', 'B', 'A', 'B', 'A', 'C', 'C', 'B'],
    'Sers': ['Wind', 'Tool', 'Wind', 'Wind', 'Tool', 'Tool', 'Tool', 'Wind'],
    'Sounds': [42, 21, 34, 56, 43, 61, 24, 23]
def get_stats(data_frame):

    # For each grouped data_frame, cutoff all Sounds greater than 99th percentile
    cutoff_99 = data_frame[data_frame.Sounds <= data_frame.Sounds.quantile(.99)]

    # Based on total number of records, select the most-abundant sers
    sers_to_use = max((cutoff_99.Sers.value_counts() / cutoff_99.shape[0]).to_dict().items(), key = operator.itemgetter(1))[0]

    # Give me the average sound of the selected sers
    avg_sounds_of_sers_to_use = cutoff_99.loc[cutoff_99["Sers"] == sers_to_use].Sounds.mean()

    # Pre-allocate lists
    cool = []
    mean_sounds = []
    ratios = []
    _difference = []

    for i in cutoff_99.Sers.unique():
        # add each unique sers of that dataframe 

        # get the mean sound of that ser
        sers_mean_sounds = (cutoff_99.loc[cutoff_99["Sers"] == i].Sounds).mean()

        # add each mean sound for each sers

        # get the ratio of the sers to use vs. the current sers; add all of the ratios to the list
        ratios.append(avg_sounds_of_sers_to_use / sers_mean_sounds)

        # get the percent difference and add it to a list
                    abs(avg_sounds_of_sers_to_use - sers_mean_sounds)
                    / ((avg_sounds_of_sers_to_use + sers_mean_sounds) / 2),
                * 100

    # return a series with these lists/values.
    return pd.Series({
        'Cools': cool,
        'Chosen_Sers': sers_to_use,
        'Average_Sounds_99_Percent': mean_sounds,
        'Mean_Ratios': ratios,
        'Percent_Differences': _difference

我在pandas中调用函数如下: df.groupby('仪器').apply(get_stats)


您可以使用 pyspark 和 window 实现一切功能如下图所示。

创建 pyspark 数据框:

import pandas as pd

data = {
    'Instruments': ['A', 'B', 'A', 'B', 'A', 'C', 'C', 'B'],
    'Sers': ['Wind', 'Tool', 'Wind', 'Wind', 'Tool', 'Tool', 'Tool', 'Wind'],
    'Sounds': [42, 21, 34, 56, 43, 61, 24, 23]

pddf = pd.DataFrame(data)

df = spark.createDataFrame(pddf)


|          A|Wind|    42|
|          B|Tool|    21|
|          A|Wind|    34|
|          B|Wind|    56|
|          A|Tool|    43|
|          C|Tool|    61|
|          C|Tool|    24|
|          B|Wind|    23|


from pyspark.sql import Window
from pyspark.sql import functions as F

wI = Window.partitionBy('Instruments')
wIS = Window.partitionBy('Instruments', 'Sers')

df = df.withColumn('q', F.expr('percentile_approx(Sounds, 0.99)').over(wI))
df = df.filter(df.Sounds < df.q)

#this is our marker for Chosen_Sers
#a higher number indicates that this is the most-abundant sers
df = df.withColumn('tmpCount', F.count('Sers').over(wIS))
#this is the most-abundant sers as string
df = df.withColumn('Chosen_Sers', F.first('Sers').over(wI.orderBy(F.desc('tmpCount'))))

#mean sound for each sers within a instrument 
df = df.withColumn('Average_Sounds_99_Percent', F.mean('Sounds').over(wIS))
#mean sound of the chosen sers
df = df.withColumn('avg_sounds_of_sers_to_use', F.first(F.col('Average_Sounds_99_Percent')).over(wI.orderBy(F.desc('tmpCount'))))

df = df.withColumn('mean_ratios', F.col('avg_sounds_of_sers_to_use')/F.mean('Sounds').over(wIS))

df = df.withColumn('percent_differences', 100 * F.round(F.abs(F.col('avg_sounds_of_sers_to_use') - F.col('Average_Sounds_99_Percent'))/ ((F.col('avg_sounds_of_sers_to_use') + F.col('Average_Sounds_99_Percent'))/2),2))

#until now we flat table

#now we create the desired structure and drop all unneeded columns
df.dropDuplicates(['Instruments','Sers']).groupby('Instruments', 'Chosen_Sers').agg(F.collect_list('Sers').alias('Sers')
                                            , F.collect_list('Average_Sounds_99_Percent').alias('Average_Sounds_99_Percent')
                                            , F.collect_list('mean_ratios').alias('mean_ratios')
                                            , F.collect_list('percent_differences').alias('percent_differences')


#just a flat table
|Instruments|Sers|Sounds|  q|tmpCount|Chosen_Sers|Average_Sounds_99_Percent|avg_sounds_of_sers_to_use|       mean_ratios|percent_differences|
|          B|Tool|    21| 56|       1|       Tool|                     21.0|                     21.0|               1.0|                0.0|
|          B|Wind|    23| 56|       1|       Tool|                     23.0|                     21.0|1.0952380952380953|                9.0|
|          C|Tool|    24| 61|       1|       Tool|                     24.0|                     24.0|               1.0|                0.0|
|          A|Wind|    42| 43|       2|       Wind|                     38.0|                     38.0|               1.0|                0.0|
|          A|Wind|    34| 43|       2|       Wind|                     38.0|                     38.0|               1.0|                0.0|
#desired structure
|Instruments|Chosen_Sers|Sers        |Average_Sounds_99_Percent|mean_ratios              |percent_differences|
|B          |Tool       |[Tool, Wind]|[21.0, 23.0]             |[1.0, 0.9130434782608695]|[0.0, 9.0]         |
|C          |Tool       |[Tool]      |[24.0]                   |[1.0]                    |[0.0]              |
|A          |Wind       |[Wind]      |[38.0]                   |[1.0]                    |[0.0]              |

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