google-cloud-platform - 限制对 Google 监控中特定仪表板的访问

标签 google-cloud-platform google-cloud-iam google-cloud-monitoring

是否可以创建只能访问特定 Google 监控信息中心的 GCP IAM 用户?我想这应该可以通过 conditional role bindings ,但监控仪表板不是受支持的资源。



正如 @Kamelia Y 所提到的,目前此类功能尚不可用,并且公共(public)跟踪器中有一个功能请求:

There is not an available workaround for real-time separation of metrics.

However, a project owner can achieve this separation via exporting their metrics manually and sending the appropriate information to the appropriate user. Here are two examples of exporting Stackdriver Monitoring metrics using App Engine/PubSub [1] or using Colab/Monitoring API [2]. Both use BigQuery to query the data and Cloud Scheduler to automate exporting the information.

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