angular - Angular 中 async/await 和 async/fixture.whenStable 的区别

标签 angular unit-testing asynchronous async-await karma-jasmine


  • 第一个使用 jasmine 方法 async/await
  • 第二个使用 Angular 方法 async/fixture.whenStable



async/await 的第一种方法是普通 JavaScript,您可以在其中异步运行函数,并且可以等待 promise,然后再转到下一行。

it('it block in an async await way', async(done) => {
   await waitForThisFunctionThatReturnsAPromiseBeforeCarringForward();
   // do something, make assertions
   const x = await getXFromAPromise(); // wait for getXFromAPromise() function to return the promise
// and assign the results to x
   // do something, make assertions
   done(); // call done to ensure you have run through the whole it block and tell Jasmine you're done

fixture.whenStable 基本上等待堆栈中的所有 promise 得到解决,然后再进行断言。

it('demonstration of fixture.whenStable', async(done) => {
   // do some actions that will fire off promises
   await fixture.whenStable(); // wait until all promises in the call stack have been resolved
   // do some more assertions
   done(); // call done to tell Jasmine you're done with this test.

done 回调是可选的,但我使用它来确保更好的工程(确保它遍历整个 it block )。

编辑 ====================


async/awaittaketoPromise 运算符,您可以在其中获取第一个发射并将其转换为 promise 。随意添加其他运算符,例如 filter 以忽略 take(1) 之前的一些发射。

import { take } from 'rxjs/operators';
it('should do xyz', async done => {
  const x = await component.observable$.pipe(take(1)).toPromise();


it('should do xyz', done => {
  component.observable$.subscribe(result => {
    // call done here to ensure the test made it within the subscribe
    // and did the assertions and to let Jasmine know you're done with the tests

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