firebase - 错误 : Failed to get Firebase project project-name. 请确保该项目存在并且您的帐户有权访问它

标签 firebase google-cloud-firestore

我试过运行 firebase deploy就像我一直做的那样,但遇到了这个错误:

Error: Failed to get Firebase project project-name. Please make sure the project exists and your account has permission to access it.

我跑了firebase login我得到“已经以 身份登录”firebase-debug.log文件显示了一些 401 http 响应,其中一些具有以下文本:

'Request had invalid authentication credentials' and also 'invalid token'



对我来说这有效,firebase logoutfirebase login

关于firebase - 错误 : Failed to get Firebase project project-name. 请确保该项目存在并且您的帐户有权访问它,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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