通过 Angular 应用程序的 Node.js POST 请求返回错误 404 “not found"

标签 node.js angular api post

我正在使用 Node.js 制作一个连接到 SQL Server 数据库的 API。我的 GET 请求运行良好,但我的 POST 请求出现错误。我已将 Node 项目分为两个文件,一个路由文件和一个 Controller 文件。


module.exports = (app) => {
  const UsrContrllr = require('../Controllers/users.controllers');
  app.get('/api/users', UsrContrllr.getAllUsers);

  app.post('/api/user/new', UsrContrllr.addNewUser);

我的 Controller 文件中的代码如下:

const mssql = require('mssql');

exports.getAllUsers = (req, res) => 
    // Validate request
    console.log(`Fetching RESPONSE`);
    // create Request object
    var request = new mssql.Request();
    // query to the database and get the records
    const queryStr = `SELECT * FROM USERS`;
    request.query(queryStr, function (err, recordset) {
        if (err) console.log(err)
        else {
            if (recordset.recordset.toString() === '') {
                res.send('Oops!!! Required data not found...');
            else {
                // send records as a response

exports.addNewUser = (req, res) =>
     // Validate request
     console.log(`INSERTING RECORD ${req.body}`);
     // create Request object
     var request = new mssql.Request();
     // query to the database and get the records
     const queryStr = `INSERT INTO USERS (USERCODE, PASSWORD, LANGUAGE, USERCLASS, FIRSTNAME, LASTNAME, CONTACTNO) VALUES ('${req.body.usercode}', '${req.body.password}', 'EN', '0', '${req.body.firstname}', '${req.body.lastname}', '${req.body.contactno}');`;
     request.query(queryStr, function (err, recordset) {
         if (err) console.log(err)
         else {
             if (recordset.recordset.toString() == '') {
                 res.send('Oops!!! Required data not found...');
             else {
                 // Send records as response

当我从 Angular 应用程序运行 POST 请求时,我收到 HttpErrorResponse,错误 404 未找到。

error: “Error: Cannot POST /api/users/new" message: "Http failure response for http://url:port/api/users/new: 404 Not Found" name: "HttpErrorResponse" ok: false status: 404 statusText: "Not Found” url: "http://url:port/api/users/new”

服务文件中的 Angular 代码如下:

private url = 'http://url:port/api/users';
signup(fName: string, lName: string, usrCode: string, pwd: string, cntctNbr: string) {
  const headers = new HttpHeaders().set('Content-Type', 'application/json');  
  const newUsr = {
    usercode: usrCode,
    password: pwd,
    firstname: fName,
    lastname: lName,
    contactno: cntctNbr
  this.http.post(this.url + '/new', JSON.stringify(newUsr), { headers: headers }).subscribe(data => {



您收到 404(未找到)错误,因为您的 POST 路由被定义为/user/new 但在您的 Angular 应用程序中您正在调用 http://url:port/api/<强>用户/新

将 API 中的代码更正为以下内容:

app.post('/api/users/new', UsrContrllr.addNewUser);

关于通过 Angular 应用程序的 Node.js POST 请求返回错误 404 “not found",我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/62866894/


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