html - 如何在 Flazio 网站上验证 Google Search Console 帐户?

标签 html google-search-console

我是 StackOverflow 的新手。
我正在使用 Flazio 设计一个网站,并且已在 Google Search Console 上创建了一个帐户。
我正在尝试使用 HTML 标记 选项验证该属性,该选项显示:

Copy the meta tag below, and paste it into your site's home page. It should go in the <head> section, before the first <body> section.

<meta name="google-site-verification" content="w7fglrpZ1_a-8gXkpLnneLOLJfuUeYsMyMot3k8mHyA" />

我尝试将此代码粘贴到脚本组件中(我在实用程序类别中找到它),但没有任何反应。我还尝试在组件的 HTMLScript 模式之间切换,但没有任何改变。



How to improve the SEO positioning of the website - Flazio


To start open the panel management that you find on the right and click on the wheel settings. By clicking on the “Indexing Site” you will be able to carry out the optimization basic-general of the site, and that of every single page.
a) the title of the website: must be fully explanatory of the service that you offer
b) description: a description full of keywords
c) key words: word, word key, words, etc.
d) Verify your website on Search Console by connecting to the address
You can observe the following procedure:
Click on Add Property
Enter the name of your website in the DOMAIN panel. Copy the TXT Record that will appear. (similar to google-site-verification = N4mmlc0UyXcT7Gnb3FI2S-cDSNxs-NFTLHyzuqSg-qc). Paste the TXT Record in the Search Console field, present in Advanced of the Flazio Indexing panel.

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