php - 在准备语句时解包参数后无法使用位置参数

标签 php mysqli prepared-statement bindparam argument-unpacking

我试图将可变数量的值绑定(bind)到准备好的语句的 IN () 条件中,并稍后在查询中绑定(bind)更多值,但出现错误:

PHP Fatal error: Cannot use positional argument after argument unpacking.


$ccarr=explode(",", $cc);
$in = str_repeat('?,', count($ccarr) - 1) . '?';

$sqldesk="SELECT subsubcatid_parent, plink, deskid, sum(itprice) as totprice FROM desktop_items a, items_table b, obsubsubcat c where subsubcatid_parent IN ($in) and a.itno = b.itno and a.subsubcatid_parent=c.subsubcatid group by subsubcatid_parent, deskid having totprice > ? && totprice ? ?" ;

if($stmtdesk = $conn->prepare($sqldesk))
    $types = str_repeat('i', count($ccarr));
    $types .= 'isi';
    $stmtdesk->bind_param($types, ...$ccarr, $budg_et1, $op_r, $budg_et);
    $stmtdesk->bind_result($subsubcatid_parentdesk, $plinkdesk, $deskiddesk, $totpricedesk);



我建议您将附加值插入 $ccarr数组,这样你只需要 splat $ccarr bind_param()里面.

看起来像$op_r是一个“运算符”而不是一个值。所以这不应该受到约束。 Listen to Victor 。应根据硬编码值白名单验证运算符值,并将其直接注入(inject)到查询字符串中。

$ccarr = explode(",", $cc);
$in = str_repeat('?,', count($ccarr) - 1) . '?';
$op_r = $tfvarr[2]; 
$budg_et = $tfvarr[1];
$budg_et1 = $tfvarr111111;

array_push($ccarr, $budg_et1, $budg_et);
$types = str_repeat('i', count($ccarr));

$sqldesk = "SELECT subsubcatid_parent, plink, deskid, SUM(itprice) AS totprice
            FROM desktop_items a
            JOIN items_table   b ON a.itno = b.itno
            JOIN obsubsubcat   c ON a.subsubcatid_parent = c.subsubcatid
            WHERE subsubcatid_parent IN ($in)
            GROUP BY subsubcatid_parent, deskid
            HAVING totprice > ? AND totprice {$op_r} ?";

$stmtdesk = $conn->prepare($sqldesk);
$stmtdesk->bind_param($types, ...$ccarr);
$stmtdesk->bind_result($subsubcatid_parentdesk, $plinkdesk, $deskiddesk, $totpricedesk);

此外,我不建议使用 old-skool 逗号连接。明确声明 JOIN 更清晰、更现代,并且使用 ON 进行设置。描述连接关系的表达式。

最后,&&在 MySQL 中应该是 AND 。始终使用全大写在 sql 字符串中写入 MySQL 关键字。

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