kotlin - 更改 LiveData 的源流

标签 kotlin android-livedata kotlin-flow

我尝试在存储库中使用 Flow 而不是 LiveData。 在 View 模型中:

val state: LiveData<StateModel> = stateRepo
.catch {}


 override fun getStateFlow(currencyCode: String): Flow<StateModel> {
    return serieDao.getStateFlow(currencyCode).map {with(stateMapper) { it.fromEntityToDomain() } }

如果 currCode 在 vi​​ewModel 的生命周期内始终相同,则效果很好,例如 euro 但是如果 currCode 更改为 dollar 该怎么办?





class SomeViewModel : ViewModel() {

    private val currencyFlow = MutableStateFlow("euro");

    val state = currencyFlow.switchMap { currentCurrency ->
        // In case they return different types
        when (currentCurrency) {
            // Assuming all of these database calls return a Flow
            "euro" -> someDao.euroCall()
            "dollar" -> someDao.dollarCall()
            else -> someDao.elseCall()
        // OR in your case just call
        serieDao.getStateFlow(currencyCode).map {
            with(stateMapper) { it.fromEntityToDomain() }
    .asLiveData(Dispatchers.IO); //Runs on IO coroutines

    fun setCurrency(newCurrency: String) {
        // Whenever the currency changes, then the state will emit
        // a new value and call the database with the new operation
        // based on the neww currency you have selected
        currencyFlow.value = newCurrency

关于kotlin - 更改 LiveData 的源流,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65467364/


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