docker compose 命令与配置文件一起运行

标签 docker docker-compose

随着 docker 最近的更新,每当我运行 docker-compose up -d docker 引擎建议我使用以下行:

Docker Compose is now in the Docker CLI, try docker compose up

问题是我如何运行 docker compose带有配置文件选项的命令?
例如,在 docker-compose我可以将配置文件用作 docker-compose --profile dev up .docker compose有没有类似的也?
我查看了 CLI reference但没有找到任何东西。


docker composeprofile选项。尝试执行 docker compose --help在您的终端中,您将看到以下帮助部分,其中包含 profile 选项

╰>>> docker compose --help

Usage:  docker compose [OPTIONS] COMMAND

Docker Compose

      --ansi string                Control when to print ANSI control characters ("never"|"always"|"auto") (default "auto")
      --env-file string            Specify an alternate environment file.
  -f, --file stringArray           Compose configuration files
      --profile stringArray        Specify a profile to enable
      --project-directory string   Specify an alternate working directory
                                   (default: the path of the Compose file)
  -p, --project-name string        Project name

  build       Build or rebuild services
  convert     Converts the compose file to platform's canonical format
  create      Creates containers for a service.
  down        Stop and remove containers, networks
  events      Receive real time events from containers.
  exec        Execute a command in a running container.
  images      List images used by the created containers
  kill        Force stop service containers.
  logs        View output from containers
  ls          List running compose projects
  pause       pause services
  port        Print the public port for a port binding.
  ps          List containers
  pull        Pull service images
  push        Push service images
  restart     Restart containers
  rm          Removes stopped service containers
  run         Run a one-off command on a service.
  start       Start services
  stop        Stop services
  top         Display the running processes
  unpause     unpause services
  up          Create and start containers

Run 'docker compose COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
如果你的 docker CLI 没有这个选项,你可能需要升级你的 docker CLI。
这是Docker CLI documentation--profile选项。

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