python - 如何根据 tkinter 菜单中选定的选项触发按钮?

标签 python tkinter button tkinter.optionmenu

我有一个列表和 3 个路径。每条路径都指的是专门为该国家/地区运行的应用程序。

country = ['Spain', 'United Kingdom', 'Malaysia']

path_spain = r"c:\data\FF\Desktop\PythonFolder\"
path_uk = r"c:\data\FF\Desktop\PythonFolder\"
path_malaysia = r"c:\data\FF\Desktop\PythonFolder\"

我创建的运行按钮需要根据我在OptionMenu中选择的国家/地区触发这3个应用程序之一。因此,如果我选择Malaysia,我希望Run 按钮path_malaysia 中运行应用程序。我正在努力解决这个问题。如果我在 OptionMenu 中单击 Malaysia,我最好还希望将 Run 按钮 更改为 Run application Malaysia示例。


import os
from tkinter import *
window = Tk()
window.title("Running Python Script") #Create window
window.geometry('550x300') #geo of the window

def run():
    os.system('python path_spain') 

#The run button (this button runs some other software)
run_button = Button(window, text="Run application.....", bg="blue", fg="white",command=run)
run_button.grid(column=0, row=2)

#These are the option menus
dd_country = StringVar(window)
dd_country.set(country [0]) #the first value
w = OptionMenu(window, dd_country, *country)

#These are the titles
l1 = Label(window,  text='Select Country', width=15 )  




import os
from tkinter import *

owner = ['Spain', 'United Kingdom', 'Malaysia']

path_spain = r"c:\data\FF\Desktop\PythonFolder\"
path_uk = r"c:\data\FF\Desktop\PythonFolder\"
path_malaysia = r"c:\data\FF\Desktop\PythonFolder\"

window = Tk()
window.title("Running Python Script")  # Create window
window.geometry('550x300')  # geo of the window

def run():
    if dd_owner.get() == "Spain":
        # os.system('python path_spain')
    elif dd_owner.get() == "United Kingdom":
        os.system('python path_uk')

    elif dd_owner.get() == "Malaysia":
        os.system('python path_malaysia')

def update_button(_):
    run_button.config(text="Run application {}".format(dd_owner.get()))

# The run button (this button runs some other software)

# These are the option menus
dd_owner = StringVar(window)
dd_owner.set(owner[0])  # the first value
w = OptionMenu(window, dd_owner, *owner, command=update_button)
# w.config()
w.grid(row=0, column=1)

run_button = Button(window, text="Run application {}".format(dd_owner.get()), bg="blue", fg="white",command=run)
run_button.grid(column=0, row=2)

# These are the titles
l1 = Label(window, text='Select Owner', width=15)
l1.grid(row=0, column=0)



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