git - 通过共享互联网从远程服务器连接到 Github

标签 git ssh

我已使用 this documentation 通过离线远程服务器共享我的本地互联网。一切正常,远程服务器现在有互联网。像 apt、curl 等大多数东西都可以工作。但是当我想通过下面的命令连接到 github 时:

ssh -T <a href="" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="96f1ffe2d6f1ffe2fee3f4b8f5f9fb" rel="noreferrer noopener nofollow">[email protected]</a>


ssh: Could not resolve hostname Temporary failure in name resolution



如果 curl 可以工作,但 SSH 不能工作,请至少尝试使用 HTTPS 进行克隆:

git clone<me>/<myRepo>

如果需要,您可能需要定义一个代理 (HTTP_PROXY/HTTPS_PROXY),并将 NO_PROXY 设置为“” ,localhost,”。

仍然使用 ssh 意味着,正如OP所建议的:

  • git config https.proxy http://a/proxy
  • 使用 bryanpkc/corkscrew ,一种通过 HTTP 代理建立 SSH 隧道的工具

(假设这不违反本地 IT 政策)

例如,参见 Using Corkscrew to tunnel SSH over HTTP 中的“Vincent Danen ” :

edit your SSH configuration file, ~/.ssh/config, and add:

Host somehost
   Hostname for Github
   Port 443 #443 for Github
   ProxyCommand /user/bin/corkscrew 3129 %h %p

OpenSSH transparently converts the %h to the hostname to connect to ( and the port to connect to (22, by default).

The ProxyCommand line here is telling OpenSSH to start the Corkscrew program to make the actual connection to the end SSH server. > You can create multiple entries for all of the hosts you may need to connect to, or use a simple regular expression or the global asterisk (*) in the Host line (* will tell OpenSSH to use this Host stanza for all connections).

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