java - 是否可以设置 Jackson 以便将未命名的包装器对象排除到 API 返回的 JSON 数组中?

标签 java json spring spring-boot jackson

我正在开发 Spring Boot 应用程序,我发现将 JSON 对象(通过使用 RestTemplate 执行的 REST 调用检索)转换为域对象时出现问题。


public class NotaryDistrict {
    String idDistrict;
    String denominazione;
    String regione;
    String provincia;
    ArrayList<Localita> localita;

    String distretto;
    String indirizzo;
    String cap;
    String telefono;
    String fax;
    String email;
    String pec;
    String webUrl;

    ArrayList<Carica> cariche;

    public NotaryDistrict() {

    public NotaryDistrict(String idDistrict, String denominazione, String regione, String provincia,
            ArrayList<Localita> localita, String distretto, String indirizzo, String cap, String telefono, String fax,
            String email, String pec, String webUrl, ArrayList<Carica> cariche) {
        this.idDistrict = idDistrict;
        this.denominazione = denominazione;
        this.regione = regione;
        this.provincia = provincia;
        this.localita = localita;
        this.distretto = distretto;
        this.indirizzo = indirizzo;
        this.cap = cap;
        this.telefono = telefono;
        this.fax = fax; = email;
        this.pec = pec;
        this.webUrl = webUrl;
        this.cariche = cariche;

    public String getIdDistrict() {
        return idDistrict;

    public void setIdDistrict(String idDistrict) {
        this.idDistrict = idDistrict;

    public String getDenominazione() {
        return denominazione;

    public void setDenominazione(String denominazione) {
        this.denominazione = denominazione;

    public String getRegione() {
        return regione;

    public void setRegione(String regione) {
        this.regione = regione;

    public String getProvincia() {
        return provincia;

    public void setProvincia(String provincia) {
        this.provincia = provincia;

    public ArrayList<Localita> getLocalita() {
        return localita;

    public void setLocalita(ArrayList<Localita> localita) {
        this.localita = localita;

    public String getDistretto() {
        return distretto;

    public void setDistretto(String distretto) {
        this.distretto = distretto;

    public String getIndirizzo() {
        return indirizzo;

    public void setIndirizzo(String indirizzo) {
        this.indirizzo = indirizzo;

    public String getCap() {
        return cap;

    public void setCap(String cap) {
        this.cap = cap;

    public String getTelefono() {
        return telefono;

    public void setTelefono(String telefono) {
        this.telefono = telefono;

    public String getFax() {
        return fax;

    public void setFax(String fax) {
        this.fax = fax;

    public String getEmail() {
        return email;

    public void setEmail(String email) { = email;

    public String getPec() {
        return pec;

    public void setPec(String pec) {
        this.pec = pec;

    public String getWebUrl() {
        return webUrl;

    public void setWebUrl(String webUrl) {
        this.webUrl = webUrl;

    public ArrayList<Carica> getCariche() {
        return cariche;

    public void setCariche(ArrayList<Carica> cariche) {
        this.cariche = cariche;

    public String toString() {
        return "NotaryDistrict [idDistrict=" + idDistrict + ", denominazione=" + denominazione + ", regione=" + regione
                + ", provincia=" + provincia + ", localita=" + localita + ", distretto=" + distretto + ", indirizzo="
                + indirizzo + ", cap=" + cap + ", telefono=" + telefono + ", fax=" + fax + ", email=" + email + ", pec="
                + pec + ", webUrl=" + webUrl + ", cariche=" + cariche + "]";


ArrayList<Carica> cariche;


这是 Carica 域对象:

public class Carica {
    String idNotary;
    String nome;
    String cognome;
    String carica;
    public Carica() {
        // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub

    public Carica(String idNotary, String nome, String cognome, String carica) {
        this.idNotary = idNotary;
        this.nome = nome;
        this.cognome = cognome;
        this.carica = carica;

    public String getIdNotary() {
        return idNotary;

    public void setIdNotary(String idNotary) {
        this.idNotary = idNotary;

    public String getNome() {
        return nome;

    public void setNome(String nome) {
        this.nome = nome;

    public String getCognome() {
        return cognome;

    public void setCognome(String cognome) {
        this.cognome = cognome;

    public String getCarica() {
        return carica;

    public void setCarica(String carica) {
        this.carica = carica;

    public String toString() {
        return "NotaryPosition [idNotary=" + idNotary + ", nome=" + nome + ", cognome=" + cognome + ", carica=" + carica
                + "]";


在我的业务逻辑代码中,我以这种方式执行 API 调用:

ResponseEntity forEntity2 = restTemplate.getForEntity(uri, NotaryDistrict.class); NotaryDistrict notaryDistrictDetails = forEntity2.getBody();

System.out.println("notaryDistrict 详细信息:"+ notaryDistrictDetails);

    "idDistrict": "CG7drXn9fvA%253D",
    "distretto": "SCIACCA",
    "denominazione": "Agrigento e Sciacca",
    "provincia": "Agrigento",
    "regione": "Sicilia",
    "indirizzo": "Viale della Vittoria n.319",
    "cap": "92100",
    "telefono": "092220111",
    "fax": "09222111",
    "email": "",
    "pec": "",
    "webUrl": null,

    "cariche": [
            "carica": {
                "idNotary": "e12oYuuTvE4%253D",
                "nome": "Claudia",
                "cognome": "Rossi",
                "carica": "Presidente"
            "carica": {
                "idNotary": "XlB2DSwWbfE%253D",
                "nome": "Maria",
                "cognome": "Verdi",
                "carica": "Segretario"
            "carica": {
                "idNotary": "W8I4vogJ0OM%253D",
                "nome": "Giuseppe",
                "cognome": "Bianchi",
                "carica": "Tesoriere"
            "carica": {
                "idNotary": "DR6Y%252BA37%252Few%253D",
                "nome": "ARIANNA",
                "cognome": "Ciani",
                "carica": "Consigliere"

所以除了 cariche 数组之外的所有字段都正确映射到我的 NotaryDistrict 主域对象中。

当我添加 ArrayList cariche 时出现问题;域对象的字段。

我希望 cariche JSON 数组中的每个对象都必须用一个对象映射到我的类的 cariche 数组中。


Caused by: com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.MismatchedInputException: Cannot deserialize value of type `java.lang.String` from Object value (token `JsonToken.START_OBJECT`)
 at [Source: (PushbackInputStream); line: 1, column: 363] (through reference chain: com.notariato.updateInfo.domain.NotaryDistrict["cariche"]->java.util.ArrayList[0]->com.notariato.updateInfo.domain.Carica["carica"])
    at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.MismatchedInputException.from( ~[jackson-databind-2.12.4.jar:2.12.4]

这个异常的原因对我来说很清楚:问题是名为 cariche 的 JSON 数组包含一个包装对象 {...},它本身包含一个carica 对象。


存在一种设置 Jackson 的方法,以便忽略此 {...} 包装器对象并仅考虑其内容,即必须映射到此的 carica 对象Java 数组:

ArrayList<Carica> cariche;


实现此目的的一种方法是编写自定义反序列化器。 (事实上​​,如果 Ralph 的评论是正确的,这是目前唯一的方法。)您确实需要在您的应用程序中再添加一个类,但它是一个简短的类。

在下面,您将找到一个包含此类反序列化器的 Spring Boot 测试。正如评论所说,它不是生产就绪代码,但测试通过了,并且修改它以执行您想要的操作应该相当容易。您可能想阅读如何编写 Jackson 反序列化器;如果您在这方面找到任何好的资源,请在评论中发表,因为据我所知不存在。感谢 Eugen Paraschiv,one of whose characteristically laconic articles我引用了。

import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
import static org.springframework.test.web.client.match.MockRestRequestMatchers.requestTo;
import static org.springframework.test.web.client.response.MockRestResponseCreators.withSuccess;

// non-static imports omitted for brevity

class SampleApplicationTests {
    @Autowired MockRestServiceServer server;
    @Autowired RestTemplate template;

    @TestConfiguration static class Config {
        @Bean RestTemplate template(@Autowired RestTemplateBuilder builder) { return; }

    @Data @EqualsAndHashCode @AllArgsConstructor @NoArgsConstructor static class ElementEntity {
        String key;

    @Data static class NiceEntityWithList { List<ElementEntity> list; }

    @SuppressWarnings("serial") static class WeirdEntityDeserializer extends StdDeserializer<ElementEntity> {
        protected WeirdEntityDeserializer() { this(null); }
        protected WeirdEntityDeserializer(Class<?> vc) { super(vc); }

        @Override public ElementEntity deserialize(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt)
                throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
            ObjectCodec codec = p.getCodec();
            JsonNode weirdElementNode = codec.readTree(p);
            JsonNode realElementNode = weirdElementNode.get("common");
            // in a real app, handle the case where realElementNode turns out to be null

            // we punt to a Jackson method here so this deserializer uses as much of the rest of
            // your Jackson configuration as possible
            return codec.treeToValue(realElementNode, ElementEntity.class);
            // in a real app, handle the case where realElementNode.get("key") is null
            // (you may also want to do some sort of validation here)

    @Data static class WeirdEntityWithList {
        @JsonDeserialize(contentUsing = WeirdEntityDeserializer.class) List<ElementEntity> list;

    @Test void niceListDeserializes() {
        final String niceJson = "{\"list\": [{\"key\": \"value\"}, {\"key\": \"value2\"}]}";
        this.server.expect(requestTo("/nicelist")).andRespond(withSuccess(niceJson, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON));
        NiceEntityWithList nice = template.getForEntity("/nicelist", NiceEntityWithList.class).getBody();

        assertEquals(new ElementEntity("value"), nice.getList().get(0));
        // could just use nice.list, but let's pretend we're writing
        // code for real and the class is in another package
        assertEquals(new ElementEntity("value2"), nice.getList().get(1));

    @Test void weirdListDeserializes() {
        final String weirdJson = "{\"list\": [{\"common\": {\"key\": \"value\"}}, {\"common\": {\"key\": \"value2\"}}]}";
        server.expect(requestTo("/weirdlist")).andRespond(withSuccess(weirdJson, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON));
        WeirdEntityWithList weird = template.getForEntity("/weirdlist", WeirdEntityWithList.class).getBody();

        assertEquals(new ElementEntity("value"), weird.getList().get(0));
        assertEquals(new ElementEntity("value2"), weird.getList().get(1));

这应该适用于从 下载的项目;您需要添加 spring-starter-web 和 lombok 作为依赖项,并将 spring.main.web-application-type: none 放入。

注意:如果我从上面的 WeirdEntityWithList 定义中删除 @JsonDeserialize,测试确实会失败,但它们不会像您的应用程序失败那样失败——没有异常(exception);列表元素的字段刚刚设置为空。我怀疑这与 Spring Boot 的默认 Jackson 配置与您的配置之间存在一些差异有关。 (您也可能使用不同的 Spring Boot 版本等)我希望造成差异的原因不会使代码对您无用。

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