vim - 定义适用于所有语法文件的彩色关键字

标签 vim

我想要的是定义一个大约的列表。 20 个关键字,其颜色相同,独立于事件语法文件。 我将以下内容复制并粘贴到我的 .vimrc 中以突出显示“DONE”一词,但它不起作用。

syn match tododone        /DONE/ 
syn region done start=/\*\*DONE/ end=/\*\*/ 
hi link tododone tDone
hi link done tDone
hi default tDone ctermfg=DarkGreen guifg=White guibg=DarkGreen



这是可能的,但您必须在定义语法突出显示之后执行此操作(大多数语法突出显示以:synclear开头,这将删除你已经完成了)。这可以通过 autocmd 来完成。试试这个:

hi link tododone tDone
hi link done tDone
hi default tDone ctermfg=DarkGreen guifg=White guibg=DarkGreen

function! HighlightKeywords()
    " syn keyword is faster than syn match and is
    " therefore better for simple keywords.  It will
    " also have higher priority than matches or regions
    " and should therefore always be highlighted (although
    " see comments about containedin= below).
    syn keyword tododone DONE

    syn region done start=/\*\*DONE/ end=/\*\*/

autocmd Syntax * call HighlightKeywords()



" Allow this keyword to work in a cComment
syn keyword tododone DONE containedin=cComment


:help :syn-keyword
:help :syn-region
:help :function
:help :autocmd
:help Syntax
:help :syn-containedin
:help :syn-priority

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