c# - DataGridTemplateColumn 获取单元格的值

标签 c# wpf datagrid wpftoolkit datagridtemplatecolumn

我正在使用 WPF 工具包中的 WPF DataGrid

我向 DataGrid 添加了一个模板化列,其中每个单元格中都有一个 CheckBox。现在我如何访问这些单元格中的值?

DataGrid 中的其他列来自 DataSet。我可以访问这些,但无法获取添加到 DataGridDataGridTemplateColumn 的值。



您现在开始从视觉树中提取内容。这是一项艰苦的工作,您找不到绑定(bind),因为它被埋在单元格模板中。我所做的就是为此类内容添加我自己的列,该列派生自 DataGridBoundColumn,这意味着它具有像所有其他列一样的绑定(bind):(我不久前写过它,它可能需要一些查看)这让我只使用直装订。我不必设置单元格模板,我可以使用我更喜欢的 DataTemplate。

   public class DataGridReadOnlyObjectDisplayColumn : DataGridBoundColumn {

      public DataGridReadOnlyObjectDisplayColumn() {
         //set as read only,
         this.IsReadOnly = true;

      /// <summary>
      /// Gets and Sets the Cell Template for this column
      /// </summary>
      public DataTemplate CellTemplate {
         get { return (DataTemplate)GetValue(CellTemplateProperty); }
         set { SetValue(CellTemplateProperty, value); }

      // Using a DependencyProperty as the backing store for CellTemplate.  This enables animation, styling, binding, etc...
      public static readonly DependencyProperty CellTemplateProperty =
          DependencyProperty.Register("CellTemplate", typeof(DataTemplate), typeof(DataGridReadOnlyObjectDisplayColumn), new UIPropertyMetadata(null));

      protected override System.Windows.FrameworkElement GenerateElement(DataGridCell cell, object dataItem) {
         //create the simple field text block
         ContentControl contentControl = new ContentControl();

         contentControl.Focusable = false;

         //if we have a cell template use it
         if (this.CellTemplate != null) {
            contentControl.SetValue(ContentControl.ContentTemplateProperty, this.CellTemplate);

         //set the binding
         ApplyBinding(contentControl, ContentPresenter.ContentProperty);

         //return the text block
         return contentControl;

      /// <summary>
      ///     Assigns the Binding to the desired property on the target object.
      /// </summary>
      internal void ApplyBinding(DependencyObject target, DependencyProperty property) {
         BindingBase binding = Binding;

         if (binding != null) {
            BindingOperations.SetBinding(target, property, binding);
         else {
            BindingOperations.ClearBinding(target, property);

      protected override System.Windows.FrameworkElement GenerateEditingElement(DataGridCell cell, object dataItem) {
         //item never goes into edit mode it is a read only column
         return GenerateElement(cell, dataItem);

现在,如果您可以到达该列,您就可以到达该列上的绑定(bind)。如果您可以到达该单元格,那么您就可以找到数据项(行数据)。然后我要做的就是按照绑定(bind)来获取单元格值。它确实效率低下,而且是一种 hack。但它有效。为了遵循绑定(bind),我使用了这个。

 private Object GetCellValue(Binding columnBinding, object dataSource) {

     Object valueField = null;

     if (columnBinding != null) {
        BindingEvaluator bindingEvaluator = new BindingEvaluator();

        //copy the binding
        Binding binding = new Binding();
        binding.Path = columnBinding.Path;
        binding.Source = dataSource;

        //apply the binding
        BindingOperations.SetBinding(bindingEvaluator, BindingEvaluator.BindingValueProperty, binding);

        //get the current cell item
        valueField = bindingEvaluator.BindingValue as IValueField;

     return valueField;

最后一个是一个名为 BindingEvaluator 的辅助类,它有一个 dp,我用它来跟踪绑定(bind)

   public class BindingEvaluator : DependencyObject {

      /// <summary>
      /// Gets and Sets the binding value
      /// </summary>
      public Object BindingValue {
         get { return (Object)GetValue(BindingValueProperty); }
         set { SetValue(BindingValueProperty, value); }

      // Using a DependencyProperty as the backing store for BindingValue.  This enables animation, styling, binding, etc...
      public static readonly DependencyProperty BindingValueProperty =
          DependencyProperty.Register("BindingValue", typeof(Object), typeof(BindingEvaluator), new UIPropertyMetadata(null));


 var valueField = this.GetCellValue(column.Binding as Binding, datagrid.CurrentCell.Item);

关于c# - DataGridTemplateColumn 获取单元格的值,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1936732/


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