java - 帮忙将十六进制转换为 boolean 值?

标签 java binary

我是 Java 新手。我在学习。

我正在尝试执行以下操作: 将十六进制字符串转换为二进制,然后将二进制处理为一系列 boolean 值。

    public static void getStatus() {
     * CHECKTOKEN is a 4 bit hexadecimal 
     * String Value in FF format. 
     * It needs to go into binary format 
    //LINETOKEN.nextToken = 55 so CHECKTOKEN = 55
    //convert to Integer  (lose any leading 0s)
    int binaryToken = Integer.parseInt(CHECKTOKEN,16);
    //convert to binary string so 55 becomes 85 becomes 1010101
    //should be 01010101
    String binaryValue = Integer.toBinaryString(binaryToken);
    //Calculate the number of required leading 0's
    int leading0s = 8 - binaryValue.length();
    //add leading 0s as needed
    while (leading0s != 0) {
        binaryValue = "0" + binaryValue;
        leading0s = leading0s - 1;
    //so now I have a properly formatted hex to binary
    //binaryValue = 01010101
    System.out.println("Indicator" + binaryValue);
     * how to get the value of the least 
     * signigicant digit into a boolean 
     * variable... and the next?



public static void main(String[] args) {

    String hexString = "55";

    int value = Integer.parseInt(hexString, 16);

    int numOfBits = 8;

    boolean[] booleans = new boolean[numOfBits];

    for (int i = 0; i < numOfBits; i++) {
        booleans[i] = (value & 1 << i) != 0;


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