sql-server - 将多行合并为一行

标签 sql-server t-sql sql-server-2000 pivot



CltKey  AcctKey TranTypeID  Access
10      2499    10          0
10      2499    11          1
10      2499    12          1
10      2764    10          1
10      2764    11          1
10      2764    12          0


CltKey  AcctKey TranTypeID1 Access1 TranTypeID2 Access2 TranTypeID3 Access3
10      2499    10          0       11        1       12        1
10      2764    10          1       11        1       12        0


CltKey  AcctKey HasTranTypeID1  HasTranTypeID2 HasTranTypeID3
10      2499    0               1              1
10      2764    1               1              0    

我尝试过进行自连接,但我不断为每个 TranTypeID 获取多行。一个等于 0,另一个等于 1。我也尝试过使用嵌套的“Select”语句,但性能很糟糕。有人知道如何做到这一点吗?


编辑:不幸的是,这必须在 SQL 2000 中工作。


自从我使用 SQLServer 2000 以来已经有一段时间了,但这可能会起作用。

select cltkey, acctkey, 
max( case when trantypeid = 10 and access = 1 
      then 1 else 0 end ) as hastrantypeid1,
max( case when trantypeid = 11 and access = 1 
      then 1 else 0 end ) as hastrantypeid2,
max( case when trantypeid = 12 and access = 1 
      then 1 else 0 end ) as hastrantypeid3
from table
group by cltkey, acctkey;


create view has_access as 
select cltkey, acctkey, 
max( case when trantypeid = 10 and access = 1 
      then 1 else 0 end ) as hastrantypeid1,
max( case when trantypeid = 11 and access = 1 
      then 1 else 0 end ) as hastrantypeid2,
max( case when trantypeid = 12 and access = 1 
      then 1 else 0 end ) as hastrantypeid3
from table;


select cltkey, acctkey, 
max( hastrantypeid1) as hastrantypeid1,
max( hastrantypeid2 ) as hastrantypeid2,
max( hastrantypeid2 ) as hastrantypeid2
from has_access
group by cltkey, acctkey;

请注意,如果 (cltkey, acctkey) 元组的任意行具有该特定类型的访问权限,这将告诉您 (cltkey, acctkey) 具有(特定类型)的访问权限。也就是说,它本质上是按行OR


min( case when trantypeid = 10 
      then case when access = 1 
            then 1 else 0 end else null end) as hastrantypeid1,

关于sql-server - 将多行合并为一行,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3375397/


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