c#-4.0 - 如何修改可空类型的值?

标签 c#-4.0 nullable

public partial class L2SEntity {
    public void Scale(double d) {
        if (this.Amount.HasValue)
            this.Amount.Value *= d;


Error   2   Property or indexer 'System.Nullable<double>.Value' cannot be assigned to -- it is read only

如何更改金额( double 类型?)值?



public partial class L2SEntity {
    public void Scale(double d) {
        if (this.Amount.HasValue) {
            this.Amount *= d;

关于c#-4.0 - 如何修改可空类型的值?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3397350/


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