.net - LINQ 到 SQL : How to check if any item in one entity collection exists in another entity collection?

标签 .net asp.net-mvc linq entity-framework linq-to-sql

我正在使用 MVC2 和 Entity Framework 。

我有 2 个实体集合,我需要比较它们并检查它们是否有任何共同点。例如,假设我有 EntityCollection<Candidate>EntityCollection<Job> 。我正在尝试返回所有具有该职位首选技能中列出的技能的候选人。这是正确的吗:

public IQueryable<Candidate> GetMatchingCandidates(Job job)
     return from candidate in _db.Candidates
     where (candidate.CandidateSkills.Where(c => job.JobPreferredSkills.Any(j => j.SkillId== c.SkillId)).Count() > 0) 
     select candidate;                                



在第一种情况下我会使用 Any():

    public IQueryable<Candidate> GetMatchingCandidates(Job job)
        return from candidate in _db.Candidates
               where (candidate.CandidateSkills.Any(c => job.JobPreferredSkills.Any(j => j.SkillId == c.SkillId)))
               select candidate;


    public IQueryable<Candidate> GetMatchingCandidates(Job job)
        return from candidate in _db.Candidates
               where (candidate.CandidateSkills.All(c => job.JobPreferredSkills.Any(j => j.SkillId == c.SkillId)))
               select candidate;

关于.net - LINQ 到 SQL : How to check if any item in one entity collection exists in another entity collection?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6564194/


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