ios 无法使用 graph api 获取 facebook 的好友列表

标签 ios facebook-graph-api ios7 facebook-ios-sdk

我想在不使用“FBFriendPickerViewController”的情况下获取登录用户的好友列表。所以我使用 Graph API 来执行此操作,但它没有给我 friend 列表。我可以成功登录,并且也可以获取登录用户的信息。我已点击此链接


-(IBAction)loginWithFacebook:(id)sender {

    if (FBSession.activeSession.state == FBSessionStateOpen || FBSession.activeSession.state ==FBSessionStateOpenTokenExtended) {
        // Close the session and remove the access token from the cache
        // The session state handler (in the app delegate) will be called automatically
        [FBSession.activeSession closeAndClearTokenInformation];
    else {
        [FBSession openActiveSessionWithPublishPermissions:@[@"publish_actions",@"manage_friendlists",@"public_profile",@"user_friends"]
                                     completionHandler:^(FBSession *session, FBSessionState status, NSError *error) {
                                         [self sessionStateChanged:session state:status error:error];

-(void)sessionStateChanged:(FBSession *)session state:(FBSessionState) state error:(NSError *)error
    // If the session was opened successfully
    if (!error && state == FBSessionStateOpen){
        NSLog(@"Session opened");
        // Show the user the logged-in UI
        [[FBRequest requestForMe] startWithCompletionHandler:^(FBRequestConnection *connection, NSDictionary<FBGraphUser> *user, NSError *error) {

            NSLog(@"email::: %@",[user objectForKey:@"email"]);
    if (state == FBSessionStateClosed || state == FBSessionStateClosedLoginFailed){
        // If the session is closed
        NSLog(@"Session closed");

    // Handle errors
    if (error){
        NSString *alertText;
        NSString *alertTitle;
        // If the error requires people using an app to make an action outside of the app in order to recover
        if ([FBErrorUtility shouldNotifyUserForError:error] == YES){
            alertTitle = @"Something went wrong";
            alertText = [FBErrorUtility userMessageForError:error];
            [self showMessage:alertText withTitle:alertTitle];
        } else {

            // If the user cancelled login, do nothing
            if ([FBErrorUtility errorCategoryForError:error] == FBErrorCategoryUserCancelled) {
                NSLog(@"User cancelled login");

                // Handle session closures that happen outside of the app
            } else if ([FBErrorUtility errorCategoryForError:error] == FBErrorCategoryAuthenticationReopenSession){
                alertTitle = @"Session Error";
                alertText = @"Your current session is no longer valid. Please log in again.";
                [self showMessage:alertText withTitle:alertTitle];

            } else {
                //Get more error information from the error
                NSDictionary *errorInformation = [[[error.userInfo objectForKey:@"com.facebook.sdk:ParsedJSONResponseKey"] objectForKey:@"body"] objectForKey:@"error"];

                // Show the user an error message
                alertTitle = @"Something went wrong";
                alertText = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Please retry. \n\n If the problem persists contact us and mention this error code: %@", [errorInformation objectForKey:@"message"]];
                [self showMessage:alertText withTitle:alertTitle];
        // Clear this token
        [FBSession.activeSession closeAndClearTokenInformation];

现在登录后我尝试获取我写的 friend 列表

- (IBAction)fetchFrinds:(id)sender {

    [FBRequestConnection startWithGraphPath:@"/me/friendlists"
                                 parameters:@{@"fields": @"id,name"}
                                              FBRequestConnection *connection,
                                              id result,
                                              NSError *error
                                              ) {



根据 Facebook Graph API 2.0 docs on Friendlists :


A person's 'friend lists' - these are groupings of friends such as "Acquaintances" or "Close Friends", or any others that may have been created. They do not refer to the list of friends that a person has, which is accessed instead through the /{user-id}/friends edge.



Facebook 似乎已经改变了它的实现。
现在...该列表将仅限于那些碰巧也使用您的应用程序的 friend 。

引用 Facebook Graph API 2.0 文档:


  • A user access token with user_friends permission is required to view the current person's friends.
  • This will only return any friends who have used (via Facebook Login) the app making the request.

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