ANTLR - 允许不完整的语法

标签 antlr antlr3

我使用 ANTLR 来解析数学表达式字符串并使用 MathML 对其进行标记。


  1. 该语法允许使用完整的表达式,例如 2*(3+4)。我想 它还允许不完整的表达式,例如2*(3+。作为 ANTLR 的完全新手我不知道如何实现这一点。 请指出正确的文档或给出示例。
  2. 平方根规则sqrt在原子中的位置似乎 可以工作,但我很确定它应该位于指数中的某个位置 规则?还是应该这样做?
  3. 如果我想扩展这个语法来实际执行 计算,我可以以某种方式重用它还是必须复制和粘贴?

对于我的语法的任何其他评论或建议也很感激,因为我对 ANTLR 的总体验现在大约是四个小时。

grammar Expr;

parse returns [String value]
    :   stat+ {$value = $stat.value;}

stat returns [String value]
    :   exponent NEWLINE {$value = "<math>" + $exponent.value + "</math>";}
    |   NEWLINE

exponent returns [String value]
    :   e=expr {$value = $e.value;}
        (   '^' e=expr {$value = "<msup><mrow>" + $value + "</mrow><mrow>" + $e.value + "</mrow></msup>";}

expr returns [String value]
    :   e=multExpr {$value = $e.value;}
        (   '+' e=multExpr {$value += "<mo>+</mo>" + $e.value;}
        |   '-' e=multExpr {$value += "<mo>-</mo>" + $e.value;}

multExpr returns [String value]
    :   e=atom {$value = $e.value;} 
        (   '*' e=atom {$value += "<mo>*</mo>" + $e.value;}
        |   '/' e=atom {$value += "<mo>/</mo>" + $e.value;}

atom returns [String value]
    :   INT {$value = "<mn>" + $INT.text + "</mn>";}
    |   '-' e=atom {$value = "<mo>-</mo>" + $e.value;}
    |   'sqrt[' exponent ']' {$value = "<msqrt><mrow>" + $exponent.value + "</mrow></msqrt>";}
    |   '(' exponent ')' {$value = "<mo>(</mo>" + $exponent.value + "<mo>)</mo>";}

INT :   '0'..'9'+ ;
NEWLINE:'\r'? '\n' ;
WS  :   (' '|'\t')+ {skip();} ;



  • 您应该为规则的左侧和右侧指定唯一的标签 ( e1=atom ('*' e2=atom ... );
  • 您可能需要创建单独的 sqrt[代币而不是 1 个 sqrt[ ,否则输入 "sqrt [ 9 ]" ( sqrt[ 之间的空格)将无法正确处理;
  • 一元减法的优先级通常低于求幂。

rickythefox wrote:

The location of the square root rule sqrt among the atomics seems to work but I'm pretty sure it should be somewhere in the exponent rule? Or should it?


  • 加法和减法;
  • 乘法和除法;
  • 一元减号;
  • 求幂;
  • 带括号的表达式(包括函数调用,如 sqrt[...] )。

rickythefox wrote:

The grammar allows for complete expressions like 2*(3+4). I want it to also allow incomplete expressions, e.g. 2*(3+. Being a complete newbie at ANTLR I have no idea how to accomplish this. Please point me to the right document or give an example.


我真的只看到一种方法:在你的统计规则中,你首先强制解析器在 token 流中向前查看,以检查是否确实存在 expr先。这可以使用 syntactic predicate 来完成。一旦解析器确定有 expr ,然后才解析所述表达式。如果没有expr ,尝试匹配 NEWLINE ,如果也没有NEWLINE ,只需消耗 NEWLINE 之外的单个 token (必须是不完整表达式的一部分!)。 (我将在下面发布一个小演示)

rickythefox wrote:

If I want to extend this grammar to also actually perform the calculation, can I somehow reuse it or do I have to copy and paste?

ANTLR 解析器规则可以返回多个对象。当然,事实并非如此,因为 Java 方法(解析器规则本质上就是这样)只能返回单个对象。解析器规则返回一个对象,该对象包含对多个对象的引用。所以你可以这样做:

stat returns [String str, double num]
  :  ...



grammar Expr;

parse returns [String str, double num]
@init{$str = "";}
  :  (stat 
       $str += $stat.str;
       $num = $stat.num;
       if(!Double.isNaN($num)) {
         System.out.println($stat.text.trim() + " = " + $num);

stat returns [String str, double num]
  : (expr)=> expr NEWLINE      {$str = "<math>" + $expr.str + "</math>"; $num = $expr.num;}
  |          NEWLINE           {$str = ""; $num = Double.NaN;}
  |          ~NEWLINE          {$str = ""; $num = Double.NaN; System.err.println("Ignoring: " + $text);}

expr returns [String str, double num]
  :  e1=multExpr       {$str = $e1.str; $num = $e1.num;}
     ( '+' e2=multExpr {$str += "<mo>+</mo>" + $e2.str; $num += $e2.num;}
     | '-' e2=multExpr {$str += "<mo>-</mo>" + $e2.str; $num -= $e2.num;}

multExpr returns [String str, double num]
  :  e1=unaryExpr       {$str = $e1.str; $num = $e1.num;} 
     ( '*' e2=unaryExpr {$str += "<mo>*</mo>" + $e2.str; $num *= $e2.num;}
     | '/' e2=unaryExpr {$str += "<mo>/</mo>" + $e2.str; $num /= $e2.num;}

unaryExpr returns [String str, double num]
  :  '-' e=expExpr {$str = "<mo>-</mo>" + $e.str; $num = -1 * $e.num;}
  |  e=expExpr     {$str = $e.str; $num = $e.num;}

expExpr returns [String str, double num]
  :  e1=atom       {$str = $e1.str; $num = $e1.num;}
     ( '^' e2=atom {$str = "<msup><mrow>" + $str + "</mrow><mrow>" + $e2.str + "</mrow></msup>"; $num = Math.pow($num, $e2.num);}

atom returns [String str, double num]
  :  INT                 {$str = "<mn>" + $INT.text + "</mn>"; $num = Double.valueOf($INT.text);}
  |  'sqrt' '[' expr ']' {$str = "<msqrt><mrow>" + $expr.str + "</mrow></msqrt>"; $num = Math.sqrt($expr.num);}
  |  '(' expr ')'        {$str = "<mo>(</mo>" + $expr.str + "<mo>)</mo>"; $num = $expr.num;}

INT     : '0'..'9'+;
NEWLINE : '\r'? '\n';
WS      : (' '|'\t')+ {skip();};

(请注意 (...)=> 就是所谓的语法谓词)


import org.antlr.runtime.*;

public class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    String src =
        "sqrt [ 9 ] \n" +  
        "1+2*3      \n" + 
        "2*(3+      \n" +
        "2*(3+42)^2 \n";
    ExprLexer lexer = new ExprLexer(new ANTLRStringStream(src));
    ExprParser parser = new ExprParser(new CommonTokenStream(lexer));
    ExprParser.parse_return returnValue = parser.parse();
    String mathML = returnValue.str;
    double eval = returnValue.num;
    // ...


sqrt [ 9 ]


sqrt[9] = 3.0
1+2*3 = 7.0
Ignoring: 2
Ignoring: *
Ignoring: (
Ignoring: 3
Ignoring: +
2*(3+42)^2 = 4050.0

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