data-visualization - 使用什么工具对数千笔贷款进行数据可视化?

标签 data-visualization

这个数据可视化视频( map 等)是用什么工具制作的?数据来自kiva贷款


视频的最后几帧在 4:36 左右给出了答案:

Made with PHP, GD graphics library, FFMpeg, SQLite, cloud computing, iMovie and caffeine.


It was done with PHP using GD libraries... unfortunately, it wasn't as simple as just running some software to do it automatically. The engineers who worked on it wrote all the code to create the images then used Amazon's Elastic Cloud service to do all the rendering of the frames. It was a massive amount of data to process!

如果您查看他们似乎有一些服务器代码可以在贷款发生时生成可视化贷款,因此他们可能只是对其进行美化并在整个贷款期间运行它。该页面上的代码是一个processing.js 脚本。

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