windows-phone-7 - Dynamic LiveTile - 通过后台任务在 LiveTile 上渲染自定义字体 TextBlock

标签 windows-phone-7 fonts textblock live-tile background-agent

我在 liveTile 上使用自定义字体资源渲染自定义文本 block 时遇到问题?


我正在使用此代码。但它不起作用,当我尝试使用嵌入字体时,文本显示为空白 位图背景效果很好。但字体不起作用。


Grid grid = new Grid();

// load your image 
StreamResourceInfo info = Application.GetResourceStream(new Uri("tile.jpg", UriKind.Relative));

// create source bitmap for Image control (image is assumed to be alread 173x173)
WriteableBitmap wbmp2 = new WriteableBitmap(1, 1);
Image img = new Image();
img.Source = wbmp2;

// add Image to Grid

TextBlock text = new TextBlock() 
    FontFamily = new FontFamily("/MyTaskAgent;component/Fonts/ Sketch"),
    Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black) ,
    TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap,

text.Text = "Test";

// this is our final image containing custom text and image
WriteableBitmap wbmp = new WriteableBitmap(173, 173);

// now render everything - this image can be used as background for tile
wbmp.Render(grid, null);



我归结为 1. 在进行转换之前创建一个使用该字体的隐藏文本 block ,或者 2.创建一个FontSource。


文本 block 被隐藏,但它确保加载嵌入的字体。


void Grid_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {
    Grid Grid = (Grid)sender;
    AddFontLoaderTextBox(Grid, "Signs Road Features");
    AddFontLoaderTextBox(Grid, "Signs G Old");
    AddFontLoaderTextBox(Grid, "Signs G");
    AddFontLoaderTextBox(Grid, "Signs G1");
    AddFontLoaderTextBox(Grid, "Signs G2");
    AddFontLoaderTextBox(Grid, "Signs G3");
    AddFontLoaderTextBox(Grid, "Signs Info");
    AddFontLoaderTextBox(Grid, "Signs Regulatory");
    AddFontLoaderTextBox(Grid, "Signs Regulatory1");
    AddFontLoaderTextBox(Grid, "Road Manager");
    AddFontLoaderTextBox(Grid, "Signs Temporary");
    AddFontLoaderTextBox(Grid, "Road Manager");
    AddFontLoaderTextBox(Grid, "Signs Warning");
    AddFontLoaderTextBox(Grid, "Signs Warning1");

void AddFontLoaderTextBox(Grid Grid, string fontName) {

    TextBlock TextBlock = new TextBlock();
    TextBlock.FontFamily = new FontFamily(string.Format(
        "pack://application:,,,/ITIS.Controls.LinearViewer.Silverlight;component/Fonts/{0}.ttf#{0}", fontName));
    TextBlock.Opacity = 0; /* hide the text block, we only load it for the font to be cached */
    Grid.SetRowSpan(TextBlock, 3); /* just to ensure the text block doesn't affect the size of the first row */
    Grid.Children.Insert(0, TextBlock); /* keep underneath other children */

关于windows-phone-7 - Dynamic LiveTile - 通过后台任务在 LiveTile 上渲染自定义字体 TextBlock,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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