jquery-ui - 从 Jquery UI Sortable 重置位置

标签 jquery-ui jquery-ui-sortable reset

我正在使用 Jquery UI 中的可排序。每次我从 resultPos 获取值时,它都会给我最后一步,但请记住最后的订单。我需要重置它。

例如,我有 3 个元素:

Move 3rd element to 2nd position: end=1&end=3&end=2
Again ...
Move 3rd element to 2nd position: end=1&end=2&end=3
Again ...
Move 3rd element to 2nd position: end=1&end=3&end=2


Move 3rd element to 2nd position: end=1&end=3&end=2
Again ...
Move 3rd element to 2nd position: end=1&end=3&end=2
Again ...
Move 3rd element to 2nd position: end=1&end=3&end=2


$( ".sortableChip" ).sortable({
        revert: true,
        containment: "#carousel",
        axis: "x",
        items: 'li.edited',
        tolerance: 'pointer',
        placeholder: 'draggin-space',
        start: function(event, ui) { 
             var startPos = $('.sortableChip').sortable('serialize',{ key: 'start'});
        sort: function(event, ui) {
        update: function(event, ui) {
            var resultPos = $('.sortableChip').sortable('serialize',{ key: 'end'});


jquery UI 可排序中的每个项目都是一个 LI,有几种方法可以做到这一点,一种方法是在页面最初加载时保存具有可排序列表内容的变量,就像文档就绪部分一样。它所做的只是重新排列 ul 标签内的 li 标签的顺序。

<script type="text/javascript">



            //this will empty out the contents of the ul
            /*this will replace the contents of the ul with 
            contents that were caputred 



    var reset = $('.sortableChip').html();
    /*this is here at the bottom because you want to everything that is created     
    dynamically with jquery or javascript to be captured also.

您基本上所做的就是在单击链接后返回正确的设置,仅此而已,您实际上不需要此行 `$('.sortableChip').html(''); 但我把它放在这里是为了让你知道它被清空并被替换


关于jquery-ui - 从 Jquery UI Sortable 重置位置,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10217490/


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